I'm very sensitive

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I'm very sensitive. I almost cry over silly things. Just wanted to say that. 

So, I got an awesome Pikachu Piggy Bank today. It was a Christmas present, since I'm not gonna be with my mom for Christmas. I named it "El Belchigo'. 

So, I took it back to my room. And wanna know what happened? Well, the ear slammed on the door frame and shattered on the floor. I literally started crying. 

I got a new Bank, though. I named it El Belchigo ll. We still have El Belchigo l, we just say he got injured during the Great Pokemon War. 

My mom said it broke because she forgot to put money in it, and that caused bad luck. But I hit my hand on a door frame really hard later. So, door frames are just evil.

Plus, I'm always almost running into door frames at school. They're evil, I tell you! EVIL!!!!!!!

(The one in the media isn't mine, but mine looks exactly like it.)

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