no more questions

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He was eager to get back home.

By the time we arrived at the small village, the sun had disappeared and most everyone was in their combs. Wooden planks blocked their entrance and all the flames of torches were blown out. The mountainside looked different in the light of the moon, something serene and to be admired. For a moment, it reminded me of a beehive. But now wasn't the time to be making childish connections like that.

He was quick and quiet the entire trek back but now that we were back in his den I got the feeling he would be talking to me a lot more. I held on tight to his words from earlier. They gave me the validity I didn't know I needed. Something to fill the void Senku left behind. My thoughts were quickly pulled from my brother as the predator in the room suddenly grew an insatiable hunger that I could feel. He pointed to the pile of furs and I was there with haste. I shifted in my spot a few times, some fluttering in my stomach unrelenting in its assault on my nerves. I watched as Tsukasa pulled something from a crate and then turned to glare at my form.

"Turn around, hands behind your back."

I wasn't comfortable showing my back to this predator. I was even more uncomfortable with being restrained in his presence. However, this was nothing new; restrained or not I would always be helpless to the strength and power he had over me. It frightened me once upon a time but nowadays, when the revelation would make itself known, I would feel safe. I would think of the stag that nearly killed me and I would think of all the other animals and people that wouldn't hesitate to. In all those scenarios Tsukasa was the victor.

Some type of small rope was tied around my wrists. Tsukasa gave it a few experimental tugs and I hissed as it dug into my skin. The material was far from soft and I could tell any kind of struggling would leave my wrists raw and red.

Then suddenly my vision was taken from me. This new darkness dragged me back to the scenery of the cave for a moment. All the demons of the dark flared up to poke and jeer at me, and I bit my lip once the pathetic whimper I so desperately tried holding, escaped. The weight on my eyes shifted a bit as his thumb stroked along my cheek but the light was not brought back.

"You trust your savior, right (y/n)?" He whispered in my ear, leaving a small peck on the sensitive skin. It never ceased to amaze me how Tsukasa could tell what was racing through my mind like some kind of clairvoyant. He was like a magician, he waved his wand and all the demons disappeared and I was left alone in a calm dark. Soothing darkness because he was there.

I nodded slowly and he removed his hands only to replace them with a gentler cloth. "Good. I don't intend to ever betray your trust."

Another shot to my heart. A piece of the fragile glass goes flying off and I don't even bother to see where it fell.

"Everything I do is deliberate." A hand trails down between the shape of my breasts and some pressure is applied to gently lay me on my back. This gentleness... it's new. Nothing like Tsukasa. Something he shouldn't be capable of.

More pieces come crumbling off like decay. I try to hold onto them but they slip through my fingers as they quickly deteriorate

"Trust in only me, and you can experience love and devotion like you never have before."

" me?" I almost regret the words. But after hearing his confession of sorts I was compelled to confirm them. I was in a minor shock. I had broken a rule in the process. However, I wasn't reprimanded immediately.

He didn't confirm it either. He was silent for a long few moments, probably stunned as to why those words came out of his mouth (contrary to his earlier statement). He was hesitant with his reply, trying to choose his words carefully.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2020 ⏰

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