The new job?

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I got to Uras dorm and knocked. A few seconds later she opened it and pulled me in. "I need to ask you something important. My boss needs another worker and I thought you could be the perfect recruit" she said hopefully "Okay... and what's the job?" I asked her I was probably gonna say yes eaithsr way. "A stripper. I work at a club as a bartender but my boss said to ask my friends cause he needs another girl" she explained I nodded "I guess I mean it's not that hard if you have the muscles" I said with a shrug. She sighed "Thank you so much!" She said hugging me I sighed. Well looks like I'm a stripper now. "Can you come tonight to do an audition" she said "I guess" I said. She squealed and pulled me to her room. "You can hang in here and we can go together" she said sitting on her bed. "Oh yeah one thing I think the boss goes to our school it was owned by his mom but when she retired so don't be surprised when you see him" she said. Great so someone from our school is gonna be there.

A few hours later we left. We arrived at a club and she walked me to the back. "Boss I found someone" she said stepping in and leaving me by the door. She waved me in and I was so shocked and embarrassed at who the boss was. It was Kacchan. Of course of all the people in the world it had to be him. He looked pretty shocked to see me and I just looked down. "Okay so you want the job? You seem good enough to do it. Good body type, strong enough, and you seem to be pretty graceful" he said getting my attention looking me in the eye. I nodded "Uraraka take her to a room and introduce her to the others" he said looking back down at the paperwork he was doing before we walked in. She walked me to a room where there were a few other girls. She introduced me and walked me to a dressing room. "So do you wanna go on the stage for a while to practice with the other girls?" Ura asked me after I changed into the outfit she got me. (A/N She's wearing the outfit that's in the picture at the top except not the button up shirt just a sports bra) I nodded and walked to the stage with her. I didn't see anyone there yet so Ura just told me to try it out. She turned on a song and I started.
I spun around a few times and did a whole thing. I've been to a stripper club before cause I was bored and felt like disobeying my dad so I know how they dance. I finished the whole dance thing and found that Kacchan and some of the other girls had come out. They all looked pretty amazed. I blushed and hopped off the stage "How did you do that it took us like weeks to be able to get that good!" A girl named Momo who I had met earlier said. I shrugged "I went to a club once and saw how they danced, and I just basically mimicked that" I said blushing "Well good thing your actually good at this, cause we needed someone to do the solo act. You want it?" Kacchan asked walking back to his office "Sure" I shrugged. He walked back into the office and me and the others practiced.

About an hour later the club had opened and there was a bunch of people. I was waiting for my time to go, I was after Momo and Ura they're a duet act. I sighed and started stretching some. They finished and the announcer dude came out "Alright everyone we have a new gal tonight!!" He yelled the audience cheered "Get ready for... DEKU!!!" He yelled before stepping off the stage. Curtains covered the stage. I walked behind them and poked my head out with a smile. I pushed the curtains to the side and walked to the front on the stage. "Hey everyone!!!" I yelled to the crowd. They were all looking at me lustfully. Creepy ass people. I walked over to the pole and signaled the DJ to start.

I finished my shift after about an hour. After I did my dance I walked off and passed out drinks. I went back on for awhile about half an hour later but I was fine with it. I went up about 3 times until my shift ended. I was pretty tired, so Kacchan said he would give me a ride back to the dorms. We got there and the first thing I did was walk to the fridge and got my tea. I chugged the whole thing and walked into the bedroom. Kiri was sitting on his bunk on his phone. "Hey Deku were you with Bakugo or something?" He asked looking up from his phone "Yeah I just finished my first shift at his place" I said walking over to the closet. "Oh you got a job at the club?" He said as I got out my hoodie. "You know that place?" I asked I didn't know if he knew or not "Yeah I've been there a few times, what job do you have there?" I walked to my bed and took my shoes off setting them down beside it. "Pole dancer" I said walking to the bathroom to change. I walked back out and Kiri and Kacchan were talking. I was wearing a hoodie that went down to my lower thigh and short shorts. "What're you talking bout?" I asked they didn't know I was there so I guess I startled them. They both looked kinda nervous about something "N-Nothing" Kacchan said. "Mhm" I said grabbing my phone. I went onto Facebook and found that Ura had sent me a friend request. I accepted and checked out her account. I was about to scream. She had posted a video of me earlier when I was dancing in the theatre. WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!! "WHAT THE HELL!!!!!" I screamed punching the wall. I was literally about to kill her. Kiri and Kacchan were looking at me confused. "DID YOU KNOW PEOPLE WERE FREAKING RECORDING?!?!?!?!" I yelled at them blushing. They both froze before running out of the room laughing. So the teachers gave us the day off tomorrow so we could get settled into our dorms. So at this time a bunch of the kids were in the living room that we had in the dorm building. I chased them running down the stairs to the commons "YOU ASSHOLES!!!! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME" I screamed chasing them down the stairs. We ran all the way down to the commons before I caught up to Kiri and tackled him. I slapped him on the back of the head as he stood up as he laughed. Everyone was looking at us really confused as I ran over to where Kacchan was and slapped him on the back of the head. He was still laughing and I walked over to Ura. I grabbed her arm and pulled her into the kitchen that was down there. "URA!! WHAT THE HELL!!! You weren't supposed to post that!!!!" I said shaking her. "What's wrong with it? It was good!" She said after I finished shaking her violently. "No it wasn't!!! That was horrible!!" I said walking away from her putting my hood up. "Hey Deku you wanna play truth or dare with us!" A girl named Mina who I met this morning asked me "I guess" I sighed. I sat down in between Kacchan and Kiri and the game started.


Badass Fem Deku x Bakugo x Kirishima (Temporary hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now