Seeing him again....

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A/N sorry there's no pic 😅



Deku has to see her dad today.
She was going to make sure her mom would be okay while he was there.
She was going to go alone and have Katsuki and Kiri go and make sure nothing bad happened to her or her mom. She said bye to everyone and walked out of the dorms and to her house.
She arrived about 10 minutes later she knocked and her Mother answered. She had a red cheek and tear stains on her face.
"Mom! Are you alright?" She said hugging her
"I'm alright honey, how are you?" Inko said returning the hug
"I'm okay mom, Kiri and Kacchan will be coming and listening to make sure nothing happens don't worry he's going back soon" she whispered into her mother's ear.
She pulled away  and her mother gave her a grateful smile. She let her in and closed the door.
They walked into the living room together.
He was sitting on the couch.
The man who tormented her for years. 
Destroyed her happiness.
Isolated her from society.
Tried to kill her.
Was just sitting there on their couch.
"She's here" Inko said quietly just loud enough to get his attention
"Hello Izuku, how have you been?" He said standing up
"Fine." She said coldly
"So much better than when I was here with you" she thought to herself
"Great to hear that!" He said walking over to her
"So what's been going on in your life, I heard you got into U.A!" He said happily
"Thought they only let strong and smart people in though" he muttered. But Deku heard it
"Yeah that's why you could never get in and I did" she snapped stepping away from him. Her mother ran to her room and locked the door, she was absolutely terrified of him.
"What did you just say to me?!" He yelled stepping closer.
She stood her ground and glared at him
"I said you would never be able to get into U.A because your a wimp and an abuser!" She yelled back
"Shut your mouth you little slut!" He yelled smacking her hard across the face
"You shut your mouth you fucking bitch!" She yelled back stumbling back a bit and holding her cheek
"Don't tell me what to do you whore! You've only ever been a stupid little slutty bitch!" He yelled punching her in the stomach, she coughed up blood.
The door to the bedroom opened and Inko ran over to her daughter
"Don't hurt her!" She yelled
Hisashi just laughed and pulled out a gun.
"Bad choice" he said before he did it.
He shot Inko.
He managed to shoot Deku in the leg and the gut too
Bakugo and Kiri bursted through the locked door with 3 police and tackled the gun away from Hisashi
"MOM!" Deku yelled crawling to her mother with her good leg holding her stomach
"Mom! Please! Please be okay help is coming, don't worry you'll be okay I promise!" She said putting her head in her lap, she was in terrible pain, especially since her dad shot her twice
He had shot her in the stomach and blood was gushing out.
Deku took off her shirt and put it over the hole, trying to stop the blood, not even caring about the blood gushing out of her
The ambulance arrived and took the girls to the hospital.
Deku got her leg and stomach healed up, and Inko was okay
As soon as she could Deku ran to her mothers room and ran to her
"Thank god your okay!" She said hugging her mother
She chuckled
"It's okay Honey I told you I'd be alright" she said with a small smile
"I-I thought I'd l-lost you" She said sobbing into her mothers shoulder
She stayed with her mother for a few more minutes before she went to the lobby where Katsuki and Kiri were
"Let's go" She said grabbing their hands and pulling them out the door
They got into Kiris car and started driving back to the dorms
She was sitting in the back with Katsuki crying onto his shoulder as they drove. She was still really worked up and emotional at the moment so she was still crying
They made it back to the dorms and walked into the commons, they saw everyone sitting in there and as they opened the door and walked in they all looked over.
"What happened to you?!" Uraraka yelled as they walked in
"Shut the fuck up floaty bitch!" Katsuki said to her
"Dude calm down she just wanted to know what happened to her" Denki said
"I don't give a fuck what she was trying to do" he spat out
"What did you do to her?! She looks awful!" Uraraka yelled stepping closer to her
Katsuki and Kiri moves so they were standing in front of Deku and started activating their quirks
"Back the fuck up!" Katsuki yelled at her
"What the hell happened!" Uraraka yelled again
"None of your fucking business!" Katsuki yelled back stepping closer
"If you won't tell us it was probably something one of you did!"
"We didn't do anything to her!"
Everyone's attention was directed towards the voice
It was Kiri, he was holding Deku who was shaking violently and sobbing
"ALL OF YOU SHUT IT!" He yelled covering Dekus ears when he did
"It's okay Izu, he's not here" he said petting her head gently
"Katsuki Bakugo get over here and help her now" Kiri said sending a glare at him
He only ever said his full name when he was pissed off
He walked over and hugged her, she tightly hugged back and sobbed into his shirt
"It's okay, I'm sorry for yelling, it's okay now" he said softly to the shaking girl
"Izu, is it okay if I tell them" Kiri said softly to her
She nodded slowly and Katsuki picked her up and held her koala style as she tried to hold back more tears from coming
He walked upstairs to the dorm and set her on the bed sitting next to her. He held out his arms sitting cross cross against the wall
"Come here"
She immediately went to him and sits in his lap hugging him and crying into his shoulder for what felt like the millionth time that day
After about 5 minutes Kiri came up and walked into the room and sat with them
"Are you okay?" He said rubbing her back
"Mhm" She said pulling back and laying her not red, still sore, cheek on his shoulder
"Did you tell them" She asked
"Yeah they all told me to say they said sorry" he said with a chuckle
"Are you tired?" Katsuki asked her
She nodded and put her head back onto his chest.
She almost immediately fell asleep, she was absolutely exhausted after what went down that day. "So what did you tell them?" Katsuki asked
"I told them how zbusive he was, how he was insulting her and stuff, and how he shot her" he said looking down at Deku and rubbing her back
"Those fuckers actually thought we did something" Katsuki huffed hugging Deku tighter to him
"Calm down, the we're just worried about a friend" Kiri said quietly to not wake her up
"I don't care if they were "just worried" they thought we did something to hurt her!" He said rasing his voice slightly
"Bakugo." He said with a glare
"They have no right to think we of all people would hurt her!" He said his voice becoming a quiet yell
"Katsuki Bakugo!" Kiri whisper yelled at him
Katsuki shut his mouth immediately
"Shut your mouth and stop yelling, she's been through enough today and I don't want her waking up to an argument, we can talk about this in the morning" he said getting rid of the glare looking down at the poor girl
"Your right I'm sorry" he said with a sigh as they laid down, maneuvering Deku as they did
"Let's just go to sleep, goodnight love you" he said closing his eyes
"Night love you too" he said holding both of them tightly not wanting to let go


Badass Fem Deku x Bakugo x Kirishima (Temporary hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now