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Third person POV:

After school everyone decided to hangout the teachers decided to give them a day or two to get to know the new student and move into the dorms. Everyone was in the dorms except Deku she was going to do something first. They heard footsteps coming down the stairs shocked to see Deku wearing the literal most revealing thing ever. She wasn't wearing anything except a jacket and some really short shorts that you couldn't even see under the jacket.

She walked into the kitchen ignoring everyone's stares. She walked out holding a knife
"Listen closely. I don't want to have to repeat myself so I want you to know this" She said with a dead serious tone
"If you want my boys you have to go through me. And let me tell ya I'm not gonna pay for anymore hospital bills" she said with a look that everyone was scared of.
"Got it!" She yelled they all nodded and she walked out grabbing the knife she had set down.

She came back down about 3 minutes later wearing this shirt

She went over to Bakugo and sat down in his lap laying her head on his chest

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She went over to Bakugo and sat down in his lap laying her head on his chest. He was surprised but he didn't care.
"So why did you have a knife?" Mina asked a little scared to ask
"I was cutting off some of this skirt. I did a quick stitch to hem it back up so that it was shorter. It used to be down to my knees and I hate it that long and I didn't have any scissors so I just used a knife" Deku said softly.
"Also sorry if I scared you, I won't hurt you unless you try to steal them from me" She said the last part with venom in her voice and red eyes.
She noticed and shook her head when she opened her eyes they were green nobody even bothered to ask.
"So what do you wanna do?" Uraraka asked.
"Ooooh let's play truth or dare again!!" Mina exclaimed.
They all agreed and began.

Mina started as usual and spun the bottle. She landed on Kirishima
"Truth or Dare" she asked
"Truth." He stated already knowing Mina would give him some stupid embarrassing dare.
She pouted slightly
"Boring" she mumbled
"What words would you use to describe them" she said pointing to Deku and Bakugo.
He thought for a second
"For Bakugo hot headed and for Deku I'm debating between Badass and Tsundere" he said with a small smirk towards the now blushing Deku.
She got out of Bakugos lap and went over to Kiri hitting him on the back of the head as everyone laughed.
"IM NOT A FUCKING TSUNDERE!!" She yelled while everyone laughed uncontrollably.
"Yes you are!!!! You're a total Tsundere!!" Kiri yelled still laughing
"YOU LITTLE BITCH!!! NO IM NOT!!" She yelled at him with a bright red face.
Everybody in the room was dying of laughter as Deku blushed even more (If that's even freaking possible)

After about 5 minutes of everyone dying of laughter, Kiri getting yelled at and hit by Deku, and Deku dying of embarrassment everyone had finally calmed down.
"Okay now it's Kiris turn" Mina said wiping tears from laughing so hard from her eyes.
He spun the bottle and it landed on Denki
"Truth or dare" he said
"Truth." Denki said he doesn't trust dares anymore.
"If you could make out with anyone here, who would it be?" He asked with a smirk.
Denki blushed madly before sighing
"S-Sero" he stuttered out hiding his face in his hands.
Sero blushed like crazy. Denki spun the bottle and landed on Mina. He didn't even get the chance to ask before Mina shouted
Denki sighed
"Kiss your crush on the cheek." He said with a smirk Mina blushed and glared at Denki.
She sighed and stood up walking over to Uraraka and kissed her on the cheek they both blushed as Mina whispered into her ear
"Will you go out I with me?" Uraraka smiled and nodded.
Mina sat back down and spun the bottle for the second time.

She landed on Deku
"T or D" she asked
"Dare" she said without hesitation
"I dare you to sing a rap song for all of us!" She said happily
"And this time of you don't do it you have to do 2 dares that you aren't aloud to deny at all" she said with a smirk.
"If I say no to this dare you aren't aloud to choose that dare for one of the other 2 tho ya know" she said pointing the fact out.
Mina sighed and nodded Deku thought for a sec before she said
"I'm not rapping cause I hate rapping in front of people so give me 2 dares"
"I dare you to put 10 pieces of ice in your bra and leave it there for a minute" she said with a triumphant smile.
Deku sighed and stood up as Mina walked into the kitchen. Coming out with a plastic cup with 10 pieces of ice. Deku grabbed the cup pulled out her bra from under her shirt (if your confused she basically just pulled the bottom out like when you have to move it sorry if that's confusing girls should get it tho) and poured them in.
She gasped and dropped the cup. She made her hands into fists tightly as she waited for the minute. When the minute ended she literally ran to the kitchen and dumped the ice out with a relieved sigh.

She walked back out and flipped Mina off.
"You still have another dare ya know" she said as Deku sat down.
"I dare you to... make the most seductive sound you can" She said with a smirk.
Deku blushed before clearing her throat
"Please don't be weirded out by this" she said before doing the craziest dare any of them had done
"Nya~" she moaned out.
She immediately put her hands over her red face. Everyone in the room was looking at her in shock.
"WTH?!" They all yelled.
"ITS MINAS FAULT SHE DARED ME!!! I WARNED YOU!!!" She yelled turning an even darker red.
"Wait Wait Wait. That brings up an important question." Mina said with a blank face
"Would you say Daddies or Daddy?" She said with a smirk.
'Wait, why would it be?' Deku thought before she realized what she meant after seeing Kiri and Bakugo who had already got it and we're blushing a lot.
"MINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Deku screeched at the girl who was currently laughing so hard she was crying gripping her sides tightly.

After about 10 minutes after everyone had calmed down Deku spoke up
"I mean I guess you're not wrong. I would say that considering there's 3 of us and I definitely wouldn't leave anyone out, but also it's too early in the relationship for that, I would have to wait at least a month or 2" she said calmly.
Everyone in the room was shocked. Especially Bakugo and Kirishima who were both bright red. She saw them
"What? I'm just saying I want to wait at least a few weeks before anything serious like that" she said with a shrug.
The most surprising thing was she only said a few weeks...

After 5 minutes they were all back to normal and Deku spun the bottle landing on Uraraka
"Truth or Dare?" She said
"Dare" Ura said with a determined smile
"I dare you to French kiss Mina for a minute." She declared.
Uraraka blushed but did the dare. After she did it she spun the bottle landing on Sero
"Truth or Dare"
"Dare" he said
"I dare you to man up and ask Denki out!" She yelled pointing at Denki who was blushing furiously.
Sero was too as he walked over to him
"Will you?" He said holding out his hand Denki took it and hugged him tightly
"Of course" he whispered in his ear.
Sero sat by him for the rest of the game. Sero spun the bottle and landed on Deku again. She sighed and before Sero could ask she said
"Dare." Without a single second of hesitation.
"I dare you to..." he said tapping his chin Denkis face lit up and he whispered something into Seros ear.
His face lit up as he looked at her
"I dare you to sing a rap song for all of us!" He said with a smile.
"Ugh is that the only dare you guys are gonna give me" She groaned.
They all nodded and she stood up grabbing her phone.
"Fine I'll do a rap now but I'm choosing it" she said pulling up a song on her phone.

She sang 16 shots which is the song at the top perfectly. Everyone was looking at her with awe as she was amazing at Rapping. She looked down and smirked with a chuckle.
"There ya go. Hope ya liked it cause I'm not doing it again" She said looking up with a wink.
She sat back down and spun the bottle. She landed on Bakugo
"Truth or Dare?" She said looking at him
"Dare I guess" he said
"I dare you to tell me and Kiri what your favorite thing is about both of us" she said with a smile he sighed and looked at both of them
"I like how happy Kiri always is and how he makes me smile even when I'm sad," he said with a small smile before continuing looking into Dekus big emerald green eyes
"And you I like how badass you are, strong, tough, rule-breaking, and defiant. It's hot" he said with a smirk.
She blushed at this and hit him in the arm playfully
"Well I happen to think you are a complicated person. You don't let people in unless you trust them. You haven't changed, and I'm glad that me and Kiri get to be the lucky few people you trust" she said with a loving smile.
And they all spent the rest of the night laughing and having fun. Everyone was happy and having a great time.


Badass Fem Deku x Bakugo x Kirishima (Temporary hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now