Ears and a Tail?

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We were sitting in the dorms it was Saturday so we didn't have anything to do. I was sitting in the bedroom in my bed with Deku in her bed. She was curled up on top of her blankets with her wolf ears and tail out. She told us about this years ago never told her parents though. I stood up and walked over to her. She didn't hear me so I pet her ears gently, they're kinda sensitive. She seemed a bit startled but soon she started purring softly. She seemed calm so that was good. I hate when she's in a bad mood, she gets really grumpy and won't talk to anyone she just sits on her bed in her cat form with an upset face.

We were sitting for about 20 minutes before she yawned and stretched before standing up and walking to the closet. She grabbed the hoodie Bakugo gave her and put it on. She walked over to me and put her hand through my hair.
"You guys need haircuts sometime soon" she said with a frown.
She got up and walked to the door. She put her hair down out of its ponytail and walked out the door.

It took me a sec to realize something.
She has her ears and tail out.
And she just walked out the door down to the place where our friends are.
I ran out the door before I heard a loud
"DEKU?!" Come from the commons followed by a yelp and whimpers coming from her.
I ran down the stairs until I reached the commons. Deku was standing in front of everyone holding her ears with her tail in between her legs. She was whimpering and tears were falling down her cheeks. She saw me and ran to me hugging me tightly. I pet her ears softly, seeing as they are hurt. Another reason she didn't tell her dad about this is because he yelled a lot and when she has her ears out it hurts them. Everyone had a puzzled, but incredibly sorry look on their faces. Bakugo must have heard Deku from the dorm cause he ran downstairs running over to us getting here less than 20 seconds after. He ran over as I was holding her. She was crying silently, and he walked into her and squatted down so he was closer to her face. She turned around and hugged him. All the kids in the room looked super guilty for hurting her, it's not their fault they don't know anything about her.

She was calmed down after a few minutes.
"We're so sorry Deku!" The class said.
Deku smiled at them
"It's okay, they're just a bit sensitive" she said with a calm voice.
Her ears with still down but her tail was warming up.

People started masking her questions, which she answered honestly. She was sitting with me and Bakugo, she was sitting in his lap with his head on top of hers. They looked so cute, and I swear I heard some of the girls giggling and talking about it. I took a quick picture and set it as my wallpaper.

After about 15 minutes of questions she decided that she wanted to be done with them. People were all cool about it. But, a bunch of the girls asked her if they could do something that made her hesitate. She never hesitates to answer or do anything.
"Can we touch your ears?!" A bunch of the girls exclaimed.
She hesitated for a second before standing up and perking her ears up and walking to the floor. She sat down on the floor and the girls all sat right around her.
"Be gentle they're sensitive, no pulling them, if you do I'm not gonna be sorry if you get bit" she said lowering her head.

The girls were petting her ears for a minute before she started purring and wagging her tail. It was so adorable! She was calm as they pet her ears for about 10 minutes. They all stopped and she stood up, stretching and yawning which showed of the sharp canines in her mouth. Everyone got a little shaken by this but they all seemed to think it was cool. She walked up to the dorms and came back down with a rope she uses to sharpen the canines. Everyone was confused but she just sat on the floor and started gnawing at it. They were all looking at her with confusion but she didn't seem to notice.
"She's sharpening her teeth, she sharpened them so when she needs to protect herself she can bite people or if you do something she doesn't like" I told them.
She heard me and glared at me growling
"Deku heel" Bakugo said she huffed but went back to chewing the rope.

She must have been mad cause when she was done with that rope it was in pieces, guess I'm getting her a new one. Bakugo sighed and threw away the rope, walking over to her. She was really upset. Her tail was twitching and her ears were back while she sat on her knees. I went over too and we sat in front of her.
"What's wrong" I said she glared at me
"You told them that I would bite them" she said with a pout.
Oh, so that's why.
"Deku I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you upset" I said holding out my hand.
She sat for a second looking down at my hand before she put her chin on it. I guess she doesn't feel like walking cause she turned to a full on cat and hopped up on my shoulders. I walked up to the room with Deku and Bakugo and set her down. She went back to just having ears and a tail and went to sleep. We laid next to her and fell asleep.


Badass Fem Deku x Bakugo x Kirishima (Temporary hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now