Dumb fights and Movies

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A/N I'm posting a face reveal on here for the people who don't read my other stories


Kiri and Katsuki woke up before Deku letting her stay asleep. They walked into the living room and just stood there. Kiri had a small glare and Katsuki had a scowl.
"What is it with you and them thinking you did something to her?" Kiri said breaking the uncomfortable silence
"They shouldn't be thinking we, the people who have been protecting her, helping her, and the first people she was ever friends with, hurt her so bad that she had multiple panic attacks!" Katsuki retorted
"Still! You don't need to get so mad about it! I was pretty mad too ya know! They weren't just accusing you! They accused me too!" Kiri yelled back
"I know they did! I'm not stupid! I heard them!" He said back angrily
"Well you sure aren't acting like it right now! Stop throwing a fucking tantrum over this! I'm upset about this too, but you don't see me yelling and getting into a fight with someone! No! You see me comforting our girlfriend while she's having a fucking panic attack because you didn't like something someone said!" He yelled back with tears forming in his eyes
Neither boys noticed Deku standing in the doorway watching the whole thing go down with silent tears running down her face
"I was fucking mad because they were accusing us of shit we didn't fucking do! They were the reason I started yelling and scared her!" He yelled his own tears threatening to spill
"Just because they did one thing doesn't mean you start yelling! Ignore them, explain to them what actually happened, do anything that doesn't involve yelling and getting super fucking mad and throwing a fucking tantrum over something dumb like that!" He yelled tears starting to stream down his face in a mix of anger and stress
"I was trying to get them to back off! They were going to make it worse and I tried getting them to shut it but the fucking floaty bitch wouldn't fucking let me go without accusing me off a bunch of shit I didn't do!" He yelled back a few stray tears had escaped
Deku was still silently crying by the door. The boys still hadn't noticed her at all they were too busy in their stupid argument to notice her
"If you would stop yelling and being a huge fucking jackass to everyone all the time maybe they would've listened!"
"Maybe if you had let me deal with it I could've told them!"
"Maybe if you shut your trap for once I could have helped you out! But no! You have to be the one to talk! The one to solve all the problems that you caused!"
"Your one to talk!"
"What the hell is that supposed to mean-"
Both boys froze in their tracks looking over to see Deku standing in the doorway of the bedroom crying and shaking
"Zip it. I'm leaving, if this isn't all sorted out by the time I get back, next time I'll be leaving for a lot longer" she said walking out
She walked downstairs and went into the commons. Almost everyone was there and sent her sad looks.
A few tried talking to her but she just ignored them and walked to the corner. She sat down, leaned against the wall, put her head in her knees, and just silently cried.
She cried for an minute, an minute turned into 2, and before she knew it an hour had passed. She stood up and just left. She walked up the stairs slowly to the dorm and peeked open the door. When she saw her boys sitting on the couch talking calmly she smiled softly. She pushed open the door and closed it quietly, she walked in and went to the kitchen. She opened the fridge and grabbed a water bottle. She chugged it in a few seconds and threw away the bottle. She walked over to the door and leaned against the frame. She knocked on it catching the boys attention. They looked over and smiled at her. She ran over and jumped into both of their arms gladly accepting the the hug they gave her.
"We're sorry for fighting" Both boys said
She smiled happily and snuggled deeper into their shoulders, she's been really stressed and their scents helped her
"Are you okay?" Kiri asked after a moment
She nodded moving so she was sitting in between them with her knees to her chest. They knew she was lying and that something was wrong because she was being really quiet
"No your not what's wrong with you" Katsuki said lifting her head up to look at him
"Nothing!" She said looking down with tears streaming down her face
"Izu it's okay, you can tell us anything" Kiri said pulling her into his lap so she was straddling him with her head against his chest, Katsuki moved over and sat by them rubbing her back softly
"I'm scared okay?! I'm scared you'll leave me again! I'm scared you guys will get mad at me for blowing up like that and leave me for somebody else!" She sobbed into his chest scared that her nightmares would become real
"Izu we'll never leave you ever" Katsuki said caressing her face
"Promise?" She mumbled
"We promise" the boys said together
She hummed her acknowledgement and snuggled further into his chest. They were there for about an hour before Deku mumbled about having to do something before getting up and walking to the bedroom.
She walked back out a minute later wearing one of Kiris hoodies that was huge on her and went down mid thigh and a pair of short shorts that weren't visible at all. She walked over and pulled the boys up by their hands and dragged them out of the dorm
"Ura invited us to come to the commons to watch movies with everyone" She explained while pulling them
When they got to the commons they say everyone sitting around the tv talking and laughing in their pajamas. Kiri and Katsuki were still in their pajamas so they didn't have to change.
"Oh! Hey guys!" Mina said once she saw the three
"Hi" Deku said quietly
She was still holding the boys hands as she pulled them to the couch. They sat down and Deku just sat in Kiris lap with her head in his neck and her legs in Katsukis lap. Mina stood and put on a movie somebody suggested before sitting back down. It was a horror movie and Deku was not aware of this at all, seeing as Mina didn't ever say it was.
About halfway into the movie there was a huge jump scare and everybody jumped and a few let out little screams. Deku yelped and hid her face in Kiris neck. She was always scared of horror movies and she hated them very much. She was shaking a lot and anytime there was a jump scare she would yelp and bury her face deeper into Kiris chest.
The movie finally ended and Deku jumped off of Kiri and Katsuki and jumped behind the couch. She hid underneath it and sat there shaking.
"Hey Deku why'd you go under the couch?" Mina asked going over and putting her head to the floor to see her
"No more!" She said shaking her head
"No more?" Mina asked looking around to se if anybody knew what she meant
"Guys maybe she's scared because we just watched a terrifying horror movie without telling her first" Denki pointed out to the class
"Oh shit! Is that it?" Mina said looking back to the girl
"Mhm! Dad watched them a lot! He made me watch them when I was little!" She whimpered quietly
"Omg Deku we're so sorry if you had told us, we would've played something else!" Uraraka apologized
Deku nodded and shifted to a bunny to get out and hid behind the couch. She suddenly realized she wouldn't have clothes when she shifted back. Well shit.
She hopped up and went to Kiri. She whispered something in his ear and he nodded before taking off his shirt and handing it to her. She grabbed it with her little teeth and hopped to the bathroom.
"What's she doing? And why'd you take your shirt off?" Sero asked
"When she shifts she loses her clothes. So she asked Kiri for his shirt so she could change into it quickly" Katsuki explained
The bathroom opened and out came Deku with bunny ears and a little ball of floof that wasn't visible under the shirt. She ran up the stairs and came back down a minute later wearing Kiris shirt still but now tied up so it was her size. And a pair of black leggings with her little tail poking out through a hole she made in them for her tails.
"Sorry about that, I just don't like movies like that very much. They give me anxiety" She said quietly
She sat down next to Mina and asked her to do her hair. It was still about 5 so it was just starting to get dark and Deku still had work.
"Are you going somewhere?" Uraraka asked her
"Yeah I have a shift at the club and I don't want to be late" She said as Mina finished putting her hair into cute space buns
"Are you two coming with or do you just wanna stay here?" Deku asked them as she stood
"We'll come" Katsuki said standing up
"OOH! Can we come?! We wanna see you!" Mina asked excitedly
"If you want to go I'll text you the address on my way there. My shift starts at 6 so you'll see me on stage then, before that I just wander around passing out drinks" She said walking to the door with the boys following
"And before we leave you two go change I'll meet you in the car" Deku said waving to everyone
The boys changed and started their drive to the club. The class had all gone to their rooms to get ready to see their friend at the club.


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