Mutt Gozek

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I got this idea from my friends GodOfBattleGoku and Jade_Dragon23

Name: GozekSpecies: Half Great Direwolf(or Saiyajin Wolf) half Pitbull/Doberman mixFather: Goku, aka the Apex Great Direwolf (Saiyajinus Lupus)(Biological)Mother: Chichi(Pitbull-Doberman mix)(Yes the Ox King is a Pitbull)Mate(s): Wolfhound #21 & H...

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Name: Gozek
Species: Half Great Direwolf(or Saiyajin Wolf) half Pitbull/Doberman mix
Father: Goku, aka the Apex Great Direwolf (Saiyajinus Lupus)
(Biological)Mother: Chichi(Pitbull-Doberman mix)
(Yes the Ox King is a Pitbull)
Mate(s): Wolfhound #21 & Hoseki.

(Yes, the Androids are known as Wolfhounds, specially bred dogs meant to kill Saiyajin wolves, more specifically Goku)

-Azuki(first of the litter)
-Raider(A tiger subspecies known as Pantheris tigris draconus, aka the Draco Tiger)

Bonus facts:
-Was forced to compete in dog fighting rings after being captured by an apparently famous Battleball player, he broke free and brutally killed said Battleball player and set free the other dogs and wolves forced to fight.

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