Chapter 2

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Chan-sung tries to help Man-wol, who's been stabbed with sharpened rod by the indigent former mayor she once cursed. But she stands and pulls the rod out, then sends it flying through the air to pierce the former mayor. It kills him instantly, and his body turns to dust.

Man-wol turns to Chan-sung and tells him that he gave up his one chance to run, "If you run away now, I'll kill you." Chan-sung goes looking for the body of the man she killed, but all he finds is the metal rod and a pile of dust. A hand reaches out of the dust and grabs his shoe, making Chan-sung leap backwards, then the hand crumbles.

Chan-sung reminds Man-wol that he said ghosts can't hurt him, so she amends that the spirits of those with grudges can kill. He argues that he gets too scared to tell the difference, but she tells him not to be scared when she's nearby.

HAHA, the big chicken asks Man-wol sheepishly to get his shoe out of the ash pile, and she offers to do it if he calls her "Boss," but he repeats that he has no intention of working at her hotel. Man-wol saunters off, and Chan-sung has to get his shoe himself.

He asks if it's dangerous to leave the ash, but she says it will be collected by the Grim Reaper. She looks mildly disgusted to see Chan-sung putting his shoe back on, freaking him out all over again, and she tells him she'll buy him a new pair.

Man-wol takes Chan-sung shoe shopping, telling him never to wear brown shoes again, and he correctly guesses that's the real reason she told him to throw his shoes out, ha. He doesn't like any of the shoes Man-wol picks, but the store is about to close, so he's forced to buy what she chooses.

Man-wol tells him to start working tomorrow since she bought him shoes, and he asks what exactly she wants him to do at her hotel. Man-wol says ominously, "You'll console the ones who closed the doors [to their lives] with frustration. Death."

Elsewhere, a car flips in a tunnel, killing the driver. His soul stares at his body, until a man in black puts him in a car with a license plate that says "TO HEAVEN." The car takes the soul away, driving right through the other cars and people in the tunnel.

Mago, the deity who helped Man-wol find the Hotel del Luna, leaves a white lily beside the man's body and wishes him safe passage across the Sanju River. We see a long, narrow bridge spanning a river engulfed in mist with hundreds of souls walking across, all holding white lilies.

Man-wol tells Chan-sung that most people cross the bridge over the Sanju River when their lives end, and go to another world. But she says that some souls get lost and end up as ghosts, stuck on Earth. She says that these lost souls are her hotel guests, and that Chan-sung will be safe as long as he stays by her side.

She tells him to be at work tomorrow and to wear his new shoes. Chan-sung asks if she's one of the ones hanging around after the door is shut – he knows she's not a normal human, and that she said vengeful ghosts can kill. Since she's threatened to kill him, does that make her a vengeful ghost?

Man-wol says that the one next to his is probably a vengeful ghost, and Chan-sung jumps to see the eyeless ghost just inches away. Man-wol snickers that that shut him up, but what Chan-sung said about her being a vengeful ghost seems to bother her on the ride back to the hotel.

A mother and her young daughter feed some kittens in the street, and the little girl follows a growling shadow through an alley and into a park. She smiles at the enormous tiger that approaches her, but when her mother finds her, there's only a tiger-shaped shadow slinking away.

Man-wol and Manager Noh stand in front of the ancient tree in the hotel, and Man-wol wonders if it's dead, since it hasn't grown leaves or flowers in over a thousand years. Manager Noh says that it must be alive since Man-wol calls it her "second self," and she asks if that means she's alive.

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