Chapter 7

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We begin our episode in the past, as Royal Guard Chung-myung greets Princess Song-hwa, who has come to see him at his post on the wall. But Chung-myung is distracted as he spots a certain thief walking the streets of the city, her face covered in a scarf.

It isn't long before he makes his way to Man-wol, to ask if she's come to see him. She scoffs that she's here to steal, but Chung-myung smiles when he sees that her only "loot" is her own wine jug. Now Man-wol is defensive, and suggests that Chung-myung was too busy tonight flirting with the princess. Chung-myung deflects that the princess was the one flirting with him, not the other way around.

Man-wol congratulates him for getting drinks from a noble, but he says that he likes Man-wol's alcohol better and confiscates the jug from her. "It seems like you already stole what you were here for," he says as he pats his chest, and leaves Man-wol in the streets.

And now the dream of the past fades to the present day, where Man-wol sits under her tree, new buds threatening to bloom. She smiles to think how smug Chan-sung will feel about its progress.

Meanwhile, the vengeful ghost that escaped Hotel del Luna is ready to claim another victim. A man sits in a public ladies restroom to watch, what he discovers, is not a sex tape but the ghost's video. The ghost emerges from the phone and drags the man back into the stall as the lighting turns blood red. By the time the paramedics find him, the man is dead, his eyes red and burnt.

Yoo-na happens to be in the building and goes to investigate the bathroom. She finds the man's abandoned cell phone and wonders if it's possessed. As she turns to leave though, an unearthly woman dressed all in black grabs her by the neck and slams her into the wall. The woman looks like another sister of Mago, but this one is decidedly more severe. She also knows that Yoo-na is really inhabited by Soo-jung's spirit, and she means to destroy her soul entirely for this trespass.

Yoo-na's throat begins to sizzle where the Dark Mago holds her, but before the destruction is complete, Reaper arrives to stop Mago's hand. He explains that this isn't the act of a vengeful spirit, but rather Man-wol's decision to let Soo-jung's spirit live on in Yoo-na's empty body.

Dark Mago releases Yoo-na and sends her running from the bathroom. She tells Reaper about the ghost she's seeking, the one who just killed the man in the bathroom. Dark Mago sneers when Reaper tells her that Hotel del Luna is also involved in that situation, since the Vengeance Ghost was a long-term stay at the hotel until her recent escape. This version of Mago doesn't seem to like the idea of a resting place in between life and death, and especially not when it's been entrusted to an "evil spirit" like Man-wol. When Dark Mago hears that Man-wol may also pass on to the other world, she shares her belief that Man-wol will hurt humans again and be sent on as an evil spirit.

Back at the hotel, Chan-sung welcomes a new guest, a backpacker who wandered the earth searching for his wife before finally making his way to the hotel. But the man finds his wife after all: she wanders into the hotel lobby, her arms around a much younger man (wearing clothing definitely better suited to the 80s). It seems that she also died when her husband did, but she found the hotel right away, where she was reunited with her first love who died when they were young. Oh no.

Now, the ghost wife wants to move on with her first love, not her husband. The backpacker yells at her to get away from the younger man, but it turns out that if he had lived, he'd be three years older than him, haha. The two men move to fight with one another, while Chan-sung does his best to separate them. As he does, the backpacker throws him forcefully to the ground, Chan-sung flying much farther than if he'd been tossed by a mortal.

Fortunately, Man-wol watches from the stairs, and she arrives to deliver her signature brand of reverse psychology. She says that it should be no problem for the couple to kill each other over and over again since they're already dead, and she passes out weapons to them to spar with. Completely put off by her response, the couple set the weapons on the floor and the fight resolves, though it's clear everyone is still unhappy.

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