Chapter 9

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After stopping Man-wol from cursing Mi-ra, Chan-sung wakes to find Hotel del Luna, Man-wol, and all its occupants gone. He asks a little girl if she can see the building and she nods, but her parents act like it's the first time they've noticed it there.

Man-wol isn't far — she and Bartender Kim watch Chan-sung from across the street. Bartender Kim says that Chan-sung must just be the ninety-nineth human employee to her, but Man-wol admits that he's special and says she's trying not to let her heart weaken.

The devolve into bickering over why Bartender Kim is still hanging around after five hundreds years. He says he still has shame to clear up before he can face his ancestors, but Man-wol scoffs that they've all probably reincarnated several times over by now. Bartender Kim asks if Man-wol is willing to give up her chance at the afterlife through Chan-sung, and she says she won't give it up easily.

Bartender Kim reports that the guests who were ready were sent on to the afterlife, though there was some confusion due to the hotel's sudden move. The coffee ghost had been conflicted since he still hasn't finished his novel. Seo-hee told Bartender Kim that his problem wasn't the novel, but his inability to accept that he'd never finish it.

They've lost several employees who decided they were ready to move on, but Man-wol decides not to hire any new staff and just have Yoo-na act as manager. Yoo-na and Hyun-joong ride with the moving company carrying Man-wol's things, Yoo-na pretending she's on the phone so the driver doesn't think she's talking to herself.

She tells Hyun-joong of her plans to get her driver's license, since her parents have promised to get her a car and her own place when she graduates. Hyun-joong asks if it's difficult living with someone else's parents, but Yoo-na sighs that it's the high price she's paying.

As they're traveling, Yoo-na notices a bloody female ghost in the backseat of another car. Hyun-joong covers Yoo-na's eyes, but the radio suddenly goes static and a woman's voice can be heard pleading for help. Yoo-na decides that as manager of Hotel del Luna, she wants to accept the ghost as their guest, so she offers the driver extra money to follow the car.

Chan-sung goes to see Mago's serious sister, hoping for some answers. The sister mentions that absorbing Man-wol's curse nearly killed him, and she says that if he hadn't unraveled it, his soul would have been wounded. Chan-sung states that Man-wol protected him, but the sister counters that he's the one who protected Man-wol.

She murmurs that her sister picked the right person and tells him to keep up the good work. Chan-sung asks if he was sent to the hotel to protect Man-wol when her fate catches up to her, and he admits that he feels pity for the Man-wol he sees in his dreams. He says he's angry, and asks if he's supposed to keep getting in Man-wol's way when she tossed him aside.

She says that getting in the way, holding on, and begging can only be done by a good person. Chan-sung snaps that he's not a good person, so the sister tells him to quit. She gives him some medicine that will revoke his ability to see ghosts and the hotel, saying that this is Chan-sung's chance to abandon Man-wol in return.

Chan-sung says he came here looking for Man-wol, but the sister says that it's up to him what to do. Chan-sung starts to take the medicine and she asks if he wants to think about it, but Chan-sung repeats that he's not a good enough person for the role they want him to play. Still, he admits, "I hesitate only because she's in my heart."

He says it's not enough to comfort Man-wol, who's an awful woman that abandoned him when he got in the way and won't welcome him if he returns. But he agrees to think about whether he likes her enough to run back and beg her to accept him. As he leaves, Mago's sister smiles.

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