Chapter 6

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As he waits for his subway home, Chan-sung thinks about Man-wol telling him not to feel lonely when it's time for him to see her off to the next world. He'd stopped her from walking away with a hand on her arm, and she'd joked that she's not going yet, not until she's made him sick and tired of her.

There's a strange man lying on one of the subway seats, and when he turns over, Chan-sung startles at the huge gaping wound in the back of the man's head — he's a ghost. Chan-sung says he shouldn't be here, and the ghost's response is to start spitting at Chan-sung, lol.

Chan-sung gets the ghost to follow him to a convenience store, where he buys him a beer and tells him about Hotel del Luna. An excited crowd of teenagers gets Chan-sung's attention, and he sees that Kim Joon-hyun, Man-wol's celebrity crush, is in the store. The students follow Kim Joon-hyun when he leaves the store, and so does Chan-sung's ghost, ha.

Man-wol is watching Joon-hyun's show in her office right now, as Seo-hee tells her that Yoo-na, "Ms. Fourth Choice," came by the hotel today and wants to intern. Man-wol says she doesn't care, so Seo-hee decides to put Hyun-joong in charge of training Yoo-na.

Man-wol finds her missing earring on her desk, the one Chan-sung kicked when he was mad. She perks up to know that it was probably Chan-sung angling for another "leaf" (her approval) from her. Chan-sung isn't answering his phone, so she calls Sanchez.

Sanchez says that Chan-sung isn't home because his girlfriend from the States came by today. Man-wol stops in her tracks at that, then she startles Sanchez by suddenly appearing in his yard. With a deceptively cheerful smile, she asks about the girlfriend, then claims not to be the least bit curious about her... then threatens to kill Sanchez if the girlfriend turns out to be pretty.

Mago is at the ancient tree, and she recalls Chung-myung and the princess he was in charge of protecting. She says that their bond has lasted a long time, and that she hopes he takes care of her so that she's not hurt again.

Chan-sung follows the students to a restaurant where Kim Joon-hyun is filming an episode of The Guys Who Died After Eating.The boys scurry off to Kim Joon-hyun's van to get his autograph, and Chan-sung almost follows them, but chickens out.

He runs into Man-wol on his walk home, and she asks if he met (someone), thinking his girlfriend. He says he did, thinking of Kim Joon-hyun. He tells her to go see for herself, but she snaps that she doesn't want to, confusing the hell out of poor Chan-sung.

He grins when he sees that she's wearing her lost earring, and she says that since he found it, he has to come eat webfoot octopus with her. As usual, Chan-sung says that she's just making excuses because she' craving webfoot octopus, and Man-wol snaps back asking if he's sick of her already.

As they head towards the car, Chan-sung asks if Man-wol is sure she doesn't want to see Kim Joon-hyun. When Man-wol realizes he's right down the street, she shrieks at Chan-sung for not telling her sooner and takes off at a dead run.

They're too late to meet Man-wol's idol, so Chan-sung tries to cheer her up by sitting her in the same chair he sat in and feeding her the same hangover soup he ate. Chan-sung muses that the restaurant will do well now because of Kim Joon-hyun, but Man-wol says it would have done well anyway and gestures to the owner's baby girl.

She says the baby has built up a lot of good karma in past lives, and was born very lucky. At Chan-sung's interest, Man-wol confirms that being bad in past lives results in being reincarnated as a pig or a dog, which makes him really worried about Man-wol's chances in her next life, hee.

Hotel del LunaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora