Chapter 8

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We open in the past as the city celebrates. At the palace, Chung-myung and the princess stand in their wedding garb staring up at the floating lanterns released by the citizens. The princess smiles brightly at Chung-myung and though he returns the gesture, he lacks her enthusiasm and his face falls the second he turns away.

Meanwhile, our favorite scarved thief slays the guards mercilessly and arrives at the bridal chamber. The princess excitedly assumes the figure at the door is Chung-myung and her face falls when Man-wol reveals herself. Cold fury burns behind teary eyes as Man-wol notes that Princess Song-hwa looks happy... before drawing her sword.

Man-wol brandishes at Princess Song-hwa's neck and the princess glowers back, demanding why Man-wol came. "Do you think I came to congratulate your wedding?" Man-wol spits and the princess growls that she shouldn't have shown Man-wol mercy. Man-wol notes that her smile earlier was beautiful, and that it's a shame the groom won't see it again. She declares she'll greet him in Princess Song-hwa's place and in one quick movement, slashes her throat.

In the present, Man-wol watches with horror as Princess Song-hwa's current incarnation, Mi-ra, cheerfully greets Chan-sung and approaches them. Chan-sung apologizes to Man-wol, unsure how Mi-ra knew where he was. "You brought her here," Man-wol intones, tears escaping her eyes as she realizes this was his true purpose and that the deities never intended to let her pass on peacefully.

Turning her attention back to Mi-ra, Man-wol is infuriated by her smile and kicks up a supernatural wind that knocks Mi-ra into the water. Chan-sung looks at Man-wol in shock and she orders him to go after Mi-ra, coldly stating that's his job. He rushes over and throws Mi-ra a rope, but when he looks back, Man-wol is gone.

Chan-sung drives Mi-ra back and when they stop at a convenience store, she admits that she came to ruin his date but hadn't expected to end up soaked. She wonders if Man-wol left because of her, shaking her head when Chan-sung asks if they know each other. Mi-ra pouts that she didn't mean to be such a nuisance as Chan-sung ponders whether Man-wol was really responsible for the incident.

Mi-ra wonders if she should see a shaman to cleanse her of bad luck and Chan-sung immediately recommends salt and not to be alone, especially at night. Mi-ra laughs that her grandmother says the same things, attributing it to all the bad karma Mi-ra racked up in her past life and brandishes the bracelet she made her wear for protection.

Mi-ra whines that bad spirits are following her and begs Chan-sung to stay with her all night. Chan-sung doesn't miss a beat saying he works at night and already called her a cab to take her the rest of the way home. Mi-ra tries to argue that she lost her purse, but Chan-sung cuts her off that she can add the taxi bill to the debt she already owes him.

Meanwhile, we see that Mi-ra's purse isn't lost after all as Man-wol searches through it on her bus ride home. She finds photos of Mi-ra with children and then the photo Sanchez had of the three of them followed some of just Mi-ra and Chan-sung smiling happily as couples do. "What a cruel twist of fate," Man-wol mutters, deleting the photo, "Enough is enough, please."

She chucks the purse on the floor, but her melancholy is broken when she snaps at a group of ghosts partying on the bus to knock it off already. Hee. They pay her no mind so she switches the bus radio to the news and tells them they can continue the party once she's left the bus. Her eyes snap back open as she listens to the report of a woman that just died after living over 100 years.

That evening, Reaper guides the woman from the news to the afterlife limo only to be foiled by Man-wol appearing to suggest the woman stay to see the birth of her great-grandchild. Reaper argues she's seen countless births in her family already but the spirit silently walks back inside to join her family. Turning on Man-wol, Reaper demands why she's interfering with the passing of such a special soul and Man-wol barks that "they" won't allow her to wander anyway and nods to the house as Mago escorts the spirit back out with a flower.

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