Chapter 5

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In a desperate effort to keep Chan-sung from looking at the guest in Room 13, Man-wol pulls him into a kiss. When they part, Man-wol's attention is back on the guest, who snickers wickedly from the wardrobe. Man-wol explains that Chan-sung will go crazy if he looks at her, and orders him to run when the door opens.

Not needing to be told twice, Chan-sung bolts for the door as soon as it swings open. The guest gives chase, but Chan-sung manages to slip through and slam it shut before she can reach him. She bangs angrily at the door before turning on Man-wol, who coolly apologizes for the disturbance. Man-wol manages to convince the guest to return to the wardrobe, but as she turns to leave, she hears her own voice echo from the wardrobe, calling Chan-sung's name.

Man-wol scoffs at the guest, informing her that Chan-sung is too much of a coward for that trick to work... only for the door to fling open and Chan-sung reappear. The guest leaps from the wardrobe and Chan-sung rushes to pull a stunned Man-wol into a protective embrace. Ignoring the couple, the guest makes a break for the door and zips past Bartender Kim and guest manager Seo-hee on her way out of the hotel.

Chan-sung continues to hold Man-wol tightly, his eyes firmly squeezed shut, until Man-wol assures him the guest is gone. He releases her and shakily admits he'd caught a glimpse of the guest before asking if she's okay... and then breaks into a laugh, revealing he's only teasing. Man-wol's face isn't amused and Chan-sung realizes she wasn't lying about the sight of Room 13's guest driving people mad.

Cowering behind Man-wol, Chan-sung asks if the guest is really gone and whines that Man-wol should've been able to handle it. She snaps that she had before he'd run back in and left the door open. She stalks away, leaving Chan-sung dumbfounded and unaware of the amused smile tugging at her lips.

Chan-sung returns the incense to Bartender Kim, apologizing for having done it incorrectly and upsetting the guest. Bartender Kim waves it off, instead blaming Seo-hee for not managing the guests better. Chan-sung doesn't seem entirely convinced but he politely excuses himself. Turning to each other, Bartender Kim and Seo-hee are stunned Chan-sung didn't notice their plot and agree to postpone bringing in their fourth candidate for hotel general manager.

Meanwhile, front desk attendant, Hyun-joong, is already meeting with said fourth candidate, Kim Yoo-na, as she leaves school that evening. She belatedly realizes Hyun-joong is a ghost when her classmates walk through him and the other girls whisper nervously about the rumor that Yoo-na is possessed by their dead classmate, unaware that it's true.

The girls are further spooked when Yoo-na's foot slips on the steps outside and she's suspended in midair. They run away screaming as Hyun-joong, invisible to human eyes, pulls Yoo-na to safety in a heroic fashion. Yoo-na demands to know why he did that, snapping that letting her fall would've looked more natural.

Yoo-na stomps off and Hyun-joong follows, grumbling at being chastised for helping. She suddenly turns and brandishes a cross, noting that regular ghosts can't interact with humans. Hyun-joong gently tells her that he's a spirit that has the right to linger with a place to belong and even a job. He tells Yoo-na he works at the same place as the people that gave her the body she's using, Hotel del Luna.

Her interest is piqued when Hyun-joong adds that he came to fetch her as the fourth candidate, but just then a text rolls in from Bartender Kim saying their plans are currently on hold. Yoo-na is disappointed and moreso when Hyun-joong doesn't add his contact information to her phone. She storms off, but then her phone goes off and she smiles to see a text from Hyun-joong.

Upon returning to the hotel, Hyun-joong congratulates Chan-sung on retaining his sanity. Chan-sung pouts that it seems everyone was banking on him losing his mind and Hyun-joong's awkward laugh only cements his suspicions. Meanwhile, Bartender Kim and guest manager Seo-hee pitch alternative schemes to drive Chan-sung away, but Man-wol declares he's here to stay.

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