Chapter 4

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Chan-sung tells Man-wol that he saw her in a dream, saying mean things to someone who said they'd build her a house, but that she'd looked happy. He asks if the man who taught her to write her name is the person she misses during her long stay at the hotel, but Man-wol just asks darkly why he's seeing these things.

He days he doesn't know, but he guesses there's something she's failed to learn, and wonders whether he's here to help Man-wol figure it out. He turns to the ancient tree and touches a branch, and the instant he does, it begins to sprout leaves.

It reminds Man-wol of Mago saying that the flow of life and death has stopped for her, but when the tree grows leaves and flowers, time will begin flowing for her again. She tells Chan-sung with awe that he might be a lot more special than she expected.

As Mago leaves Hotel del Luna, she comes across Reaper attempting to take the soul of an old man who refuses to go because his dog has been trapped in his home with his dead body for a week. Mago opens the door to the man's home so the dog can escape, then tells Reaper that the soul will eventually find his way to the Hotel del Luna. They agree that Man-wol hasn't changed in a thousand years, but Mago grins that she sent someone to help.

Back at the hotel, Man-wol says that she thinks the tree changed because Chan-sung brought up old, forgotten memories. He complains that he didn't sign up for dreaming as well as seeing ghosts. He thinks she should be glad the tree is alive, but Man-wol snarls, "You saved something that shouldn't have been saved."

He asks if she's embarrassed that he saw her past, and she admits it, then grabs Chan-sung's tie and shoves him backwards. They're suddenly in a bedroom, Chan-sung lying on the bed with Man-wol looming over him. Chan-sung gets the totally wrong idea, but Man-wol only wants him to go to sleep and dream again so she can see if he's telling the truth. Chan-sung argues that he can't make himself dream, so Man-wol decides that he'll just have to sleep beside her every day until he does.

She says she'll kill him if he's been lying, but Chan-sung says grumpily that he's not going to tell her anything even if he does dream. Man-wol seethes for a moment then leaves the room. She goes to her office to guzzle wine directly from the bottle, and Chan-sung follows her, feeling guilty. He asks if the memories he revived are that painful, and who the man was that he saw.

Man-wol asks if he's curious because he thinks it's him, and Chan-sung admits that he did wonder if he was seeing a memory from his own past life. Man-wol says there's no way he's him, because when she puts her hand over his heart, she feels nothing.

Chan-sung says he's glad he's not the man she used to like, and Man-wol tells him to shut up or she'll make him suffer. He keeps going out of frustration, so Man-wol puts him in charge of all the ghosts from now on.

After Chan-sung nearly cries when the first ghost he sees is a woman who looks like she's been dead for quite some time, Hyun-joong steps in and smoothly takes over. Chan-sung asks Hyun-joong what happened to Man-wol that got her stuck at the hotel — is she waiting for a lover, perhaps? But Hyun-joong has no idea.

Hyun-joong gets a sense that a lot of customers are on the way and asks if Chan-sung can handle it, and Chan-sung says confidently that he cannot. He heads up to the skybar instead, where Bartender Kim says that new customers are often in bad shape, but by the time they come to the skybar, they're all nicely groomed.

Chan-sung asks Bartender Kim where they get the things that the ghosts eat and drink, so Bartender Kim explains that when they send souls to the afterlife, positive energy is left behind that makes the flowers in the garden bloom. Mago then takes the flowers and sends them the supplies they need for the hotel guests. Chan-sung asks why Man-wol needs to earn real money, and Bartender Kim says it's because of her lavish lifestyle, clearly disapproving.

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