Chapter 15

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Our three resident del Luna hoteliers stand in front of the tunnel, pondering the return of Man-wol. Bartender Kim regrets not properly bidding farewell, but Seo-hee says that it's for the best if Man-wol resolved her thousand-year-old grudge. Hyun-joong pouts and makes the two promise to tell each other when they're leaving. As for the fate of the hotel, rumor has it that Mago is preparing for a new owner.

Herbalist Mago brews up a concoction that will ripen by the next month and looks for the final ingredient — the moon flower — but she's run out. At the hotel, Reapers asks about this moon drink for the new owner, and Mago explains that the drink will ripen to be bitter if the new owner carries a deep resentment.

Mago reminisces on how Man-wol threatened to cut her tongue for the disgusting drink. Aha, so that alcohol was the moon drink! Mago continues her explanation, saying that whoever drinks this moon brew will transcend the limits of time. The Moon Tree will absorb anything that carries the energy of the living, and the remaining soul becomes the owner of the Moon Lodge.

Mago comments that they've run out of the moon flower for this brew, and the last time she saw this flower was at the hotel's location 200 years ago. Reaper offers to fetch this flower, but Mago has someone else in mind for this task.

Chan-sung finds Seo-hee in Man-wol's office, and she hands him a familiar vial: the medicine to return his vision to the living world. Man-wol had left this vial with trusty Seo-hee, asking her to give this to Chan-sung when he would no longer need to come to the hotel. Seo-hee shares her interpretation of this mandate, that Man-wol didn't want Chan-sung to remain at a hotel where she no longer exists.

In his imagination, Chan-sung sees Man-wol showing off her outfit for a foodie outing, Man-wol complaining about the dream service call requests, Man-wol promising him a long wealthy life and consequently scolding him for letting this get to his head. Chan-sung's eyes turn sad when he sees the empty desk, and he returns the vial to the box.

When Chan-sung exits the office, he finds Mago standing in the hallway. He urgently walks toward her and asks if Man-wol has returned. She shakes her head and says that she has a task for him: Go back to the Man-wol Lodge, the hotel from the Joseon period, and fetch the moon flower.

Chan-sung suspiciously asks why Mago is sending him instead of going herself. He asks if he'll see Man-wol from that time, and when Mago confirms this, he decides to go.

As Chan-sung approaches the Moon Tree, we hear Mago's instructions to go around the tree to find the entrance to the Man-wol Lodge. When he returns, he will come back around the tree. He is not to eat or drink anything from this time; if he does, he will never return.

Chan-sung sees the entrance to the Man-wol Lodge on the other side of the Moon Tree and walks into the Joseon period. He smiles when he spots Seo-hee assuaging guests and Bartender Kim shaking his head at the pots of Man-wol's alcohol.

Chan-sung finds the garden with the moon flower, and a familiar voice calls out to him as a stranger. It's Joseon Man-wol, and she demands to know who he is. She's surprised when Chan-sung knows her name, and she closely inspects Chan-sung before determining that he's here to collect her debt. Man-wol dismisses him and promise to repay her debt soon.

Before she walks away, Chan-sung tries to stop her, and she defensively rams him against the wall. Chan-sung says that he's from a faraway place and that she won't recognize him in this time. Man-wol realizes that Chan-sung can see spirits and asks how he gained this power.

They're interrupted by the shrill voice of Mago, and Man-wol hides behind her fan as she curses at this unwelcome guest. Chan-sung recognizes this voice, and when Man-wol learns about the Magos' favorable treatment of Chan-sung, she looks intrigued and offers him a drink.

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