Chapter 4: I refuse

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Klaus: I'll be back I have to kill a mob of locals

Hayley: no klaus it's not safe.

Klaus: Hayley I am an originals vampire, and a hybrid. I can handle it.

Hayley: No! I refuse to let you go out their. Definitely not unprotected.

Klaus: oh for gods sake, Hayley why won't you let me go.

Hayley: because I want to make sure you are safe. I don't want you to die Klaus.

I started to get real angry, I did not want klaus to go out their and get killed, I cared too much for him to for that.

Klaus: What the hell, HAYLEY! -grabs her face passionately- I am going to be okay little wolf.

Hayley: okay let me come with you.

Klaus: no, I don't want you to get

Hayley: now you see why I don't want you to go out their.

Klaus: no their is another reason, tell me.

Hayley: because I don't want hope to grow up without a father.

Klaus: -listens to her heart beat- nope that's not it. Hayley tell me.

Hayley: because I don't want to lose another family member.

Klaus: nope, Hayley tell me.

Hayley:fine, you want to know why! I am freaking in love with you klaus, and I cannot afford to lose you not now. No, I refuse.

Klaus puts his hand on my face, he's in shock.

Klaus: I love you too little wolf.

Hayley: then please don't go over their and fight them.

Klaus sighs and he hugs me, little wolf I can't let my brother and my sister fight them alone.

- Klaus runs out-

Hayley: Dammit I should've know he was going to do that

Klaus Pov:

Elijah: what took you so long brother? -breaking of heads-

Rebekah: yea what the bloody hell klaus.

Klaus: damn, my bad I was Trying to leave but Hayley wouldn't let me. -grabs someone's heart-

Elijah: -Sighs- -breaks someone's head off-

About 30 minutes later

Klaus: where is fin?

Rebekah opened the attic door and their was fin knocked out with the chains lying on the steps.

Klaus: -laughs- damn

My phone rings constant from Hayley texting me.

Hayley: are you alright

Hayley: klaus?!

Hayley: klaus if you don't answer the phone Rignt now I'll Go over their and kick you and the locals asses.

Klaus: I'm fine I'm on my way back to you and hope .

-texting ends- 

Klaus: sorry loves, can't stay long.

Elijah: it's Hayley?

Rebekah: stay safe Nicklaus and don't kill no one else for today. For gods sake.

Klaus:-smiles- no promises little sister

I walk out and speed run back home.

Hayley: -pushes klaus- what the hell
Klaus do you not know the definition of not going!

Klaus: Hayley I am sorry but I had to protect my family, and you and hope are apart of that family. If  I have to break one of your rules to protect you guys then so be it.

Hayley's Pov:
I couldn't stay mad at klaus, I would have done the same thing, I was just scared, klaus tries to walk away but I grab his hand and pull him close to me.

We stare into each other's eyes,he put his hand on my left cheek and we kissed, and I loved it. We went to the bedroom and you know what we did

Klayley: I will wait for youWhere stories live. Discover now