Part 8:Noble Elijiah

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Hayley POV:

When we got home we saw Elijah sitting at the dinner table with a glass of wine. Rebekah was still watching over hope. Freya went upstairs and got settled in her room.

Elijah: how could you two.

Klaus: brother,-

Elijah: no, this one truly hurt, and Hayley you did most of the damage.

Hayley: Elijah, I'm sorry but I jcan't help who I love.

Elijah turns around and drinks his wine, he starts to yell.

Elijah: but you can help the way that you knew I was still in love with you and you didn't care to tell me you didn't feel the same way.

Elijah: i loved you with everything I had, I fought for you and I protected you, and you just shattered my heart like that.
; I'm a
Klaus: Elijah it's not her fault.

Elijah: not it is her fault, because you telling me you just didn't care for me anymore would have hurt way less then me having to find our own my own.

Elijah: I don't believe, not in one inch of my body you love niklaus.

I grew furious, Elijah was so upset he was not hearing the things he was sayings I slam my hand on the table and I start yelling.

Hayley: Elijah no one said we didn't care about you anymore. I just don't feel romantic with you. I love klaus and I'm sorry you found out this way but you did, so you need to stop.

Hayley: I was just fucking kidnapped from a damn witch lady who was trying to take my daughter and you worried about your damn feelings. Grow the fuck up and realize we have bigger things to do then cry in the corner.

Hayley: I am truly sorry about what happened tonight and how you found out, and I understand how you feel heartbroken cause I would be too, but this whole scence right after we came back from a legit battle was completely unnecessary.

Hayley: I am tired, i want to go to bed and honestly I don't give a damn how nobody feels tonight because at the end of the day, it's always me or hope on the line no one else.

I walk upstairs furious and I change into my pajamas. I hear a knock on the door and klaus comes in.

Klaus: that was quite some speech little wolf.

Hayley: I know, I was just so angry.

Klaus: you filled with emotions, I get it. Plus your emotions are heightened.

Hayley: I am just so fucking tired of this.

Klaus sit nexts to me and I lay down on his shoulder.

Hayley: klaus, I really do love you. Don't let no one else make you think otherwise.

Klaus: I love you too, but I'm going to put my love in second.

Hayley: what's your first?

Klaus: making sure you and hope are safe.

I smile and I grab his hand.

Hayley: okay, right now i just want to rest.

Klaus: get all the rest you need.

I kiss klaus and I go lay down. I close my eyes and I can feel klaus staring at me.

Klaus: I know your still awake little one i can hear your heart beat. It's different when your woke.

I laughs and I turn around and go to sleep foreal.

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