Part 7: KillZone

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Hayley's POV:

Hayley: klaus she knows that we're here. What are we going to do?

Klaus: let me call Elijah, we should go to the other house Rebekah gave us.

Hayley: I'll pack.

Klaus calls Elijah while I was packing to leave .

Klaus: brother, I'm afraid freya was right. Dahlia or whoever the hell she is left a flower in hopes crib.

Elijah: she knows where we are where is freya?

Klaus: oh- well Hayley might've choked her and made her leave quite angry -laughs

Elijah; what! Why?

Klaus: well while her and Rebekah was channeling Rebekah found out that dahlia was channeling freya. Then I thought freya was purposely trying to lead her here. Then that's when she saw her life flash before her eyes - laughs-

Elijah: this is absurd, she is out sister for gods sake.

Klaus: we need to figure out how to protect hope better than the plan we have. -grows angry- I refuse to let some witch come take her.

Elijah: okay brother calm down, you been doing good, we will protect hope. You know we will.

Klaus: -hangs up-

Klaus:Rebekah can you put a cloake spell on hope.

Rebekah: yes, if your going to be with her your going to need one too.

Klaus: okay make 2

Rebekah walks to another room and Hayley grabs my arm.

Hayley: what the hell do you mean 2? We need 3.

Klaus: I'm not going to be their. I need to find someone.

Hayley: so what am I supposed to do? What if they come and I have to fight? Where am I going to put hope? Fight them while she's in my hand?!

Klaus: -puffs- fine I'll just send Elijah to do it. Bloody hell.

Elijiah walks into the mikalson house.

Elijiah: where is Freya? She is really not here.

Freya: nope brother still here. Look Dahlia is in town she found us. I am telling the truth.

Hayley: we know you are, she put a flower in hopes crib.

Freya: she knows your plan

Hayley: I'm going to finish packing  elijiah watch hope.

Elijiah: okay, freya tell me what to do.

Elijiahs Pov:

Freya told me the plan for about a few minutes. Hayley was taking a long time. I go upstairs and I hear racous. I go upstairs and I see Hayley fighting dahlia, dahlia knocked Hayley out with a spell and took her.

Elijiah: oh no.

I call klaus

Klaus: what is it elijiah! I'm in the middle of ripping someone's heart out!

Elijiah: Dahlia took Hayley.

Through the phone I could hear klaus get angry.

Klaus: I'll be there.

I give Rebekah hope and we go to the church and we see dahlia and Hayley laying on the floor.

Klaus POV:

Ah Dahlia, please give me Hayley. I don't have time for this.

Dahlia: well the whole family is here. Minus Rebekah.

Elijah: give us Hayley.

Dahlia: give me hope.

Klaus: -laughs- you think I'm going to give you my daughter.

Dahlia: ah klaus, I remember you. I remember when your mother was pregnant with you. I felt you in my soul. Such a sweet boy, your parents ruined you.

Klaus: -laughs- funny because we never heard of you. I don't give a damn what promise my mother said to you centuries ago.

I walk up to Dahlia, I was in her face.

Klaus: my child, will grow up with me not you.

Dahlia: so protective, you see klaus I can feel you have a major secret. A secret you don't want your family to know yet.

Klaus: what do I have to hide?

Dahlia: so is Hayley not in love with you and not elijiah, and you love her too. To let you know Hayley is a strong little wolf she almost killed me. Very powerful.

I got angry and I tried to rip her heart out. She flew me against the wall and we started fighting.  Me, elijiah and freya fighting.  I noticed Hayley waking up, freya distracted dahlia and I threw Hayley the knife.

Hayley stabs it in dahlia heart and she dies. I go over to Hayley and make sure she is okay.

Klaus: brot-

Elijiah: we will talk about this when we get home.

Hayley: he knows doesn't he.

Hayley lays on my and I wrap my arm around her.

Freya: yup, he knows -smiles-

Freya walks out.

Hayley: goodness fucking Christ.

I kiss Hayley forehead and she wraps her other hand over my stomach and we go home

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