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How dare he! As if he thought I didn't have a say in this. "I'm not sure I want to."

Mother growled, "Opal..."

The dark prince looked to me, seeming amused. "I didn't realize you made the rules."

"This is more than just rules. This is my life. My future!" I stood, marching down until I met him face to face. He stood a foot taller than me, and the amused expression became a grin. "I refuse."

"Opal!" Mother gasped.

"If you're after our kingdom, you won't get it with me."

"He knows. If that were our goal we would've taken your sister."

I gaped. Brazen is he!

"If you're so unsure, may I suggest a courtship?"

I frowned. "I thought he couldn't leave for an extended period of time."

"He can't. You would come with us."

Father cried, "Outrageous!"

Mom whined, "Living together out of wedlock?"

I thought a moment. "What happens if I agree?"

"We'll negotiate a new treaty on grounds and properties and open communication and trade."

"And if I refuse?"

He shrugged a little. "You come back here. Reputation slightly marred, but I don't doubt there won't be a Duke who'd refuse your hand."

Father was ranting behind me about how absurd this all was. How bold but foolish they were. He was red in the face when I turned to look at him. "I'll do this."

Both king and queen looked taken aback. "You don't know what you're agreeing to."

I knew full well. As frightening as it sounded, I had this moment to make my own choice for my life. It was now or never. Choose a courtship or be sold off to another prince for treaties and gold.

Turning to the dark prince, I asked, "When do we leave?"

His grinning unnerved me, but he respectably bowed and gestured with a flourish of his hand. "Your horse is outside."

Despite my trembling, my fear and timid demeanor, I didn't look back as I boldly walked up the aisle to where the horses waited. The king and queen didn't tell for me to stop. They didn't chase after me or call me or cry out.

They simply...let me go.

Bride to the Dark LordWhere stories live. Discover now