Prologue/ Chapter 1

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Growing up, you never really understand how hard choices can be. Until you are left with the most difficult one, loving or losing. I remember crying over my first crush, but my mother talked to me, and told me that the truest love is something worth fighting for. I knew that then and there, that my truest love would come soon in my life but I shouldn't focus on it. So I continued to focus on myself and my education. It was finally my senior year in high school, but little did I know, that this was the year that I met my true love.

Chapter 1: (Geneveve's POV)

Beep, beep, beep

I groaned as I turned around and turned my alarm off. Then I stretched and yawned as I made my way to the bathroom. Today was the first day of my senior year in high school, and I didn't want to go, but I had to. I got on a grey sweater and black leggings, then brushed my hair into a high and neat bun on my head. Then made my way to my kitchen, my parents died in a car crash a few years ago, and I have been on my own ever since.

After drinking some coffee and eating a greek yogurt, I walked to my car and made my way to the school. When I reached the parking lot, I parked in my normal spot, then made my way inside of the building. Ignoring all of the laughter and comments that people made towards me. I am not really popular, I was the smartest girl in the school with a 4.0 GPA and I never really had any friends. I once had a best friend, but now, she is the biggest bully in our school/ And guess who she picks on the

I walked up the hallway to my locker when I see a group of boys, who I have never seen before, in the way. I take a big breath and walked over to them, I tapped on the guys shoulder and waited patiently for him to turn around. I felt a tingling sensation through my body when I touched him. I tapped him again, but he still didn't turn around. I felt the tingling again, but I ignored it and looked up to his face, only to see him not turned around. I grabbed his arm and turned him to look at me.

"I tapped you twice! Will you please-" but I was interrupted by him. He grabbed me and pulled me close to his chest, then buried his head in my neck. "Mate" he said. I pulled away from him, but felt alone without me in his embrace. I shook my head and looked at him and gasped. He was gorgeous, he had green eyes and dirty brown hair. "Like what you see, my mate?" I shook out the thoughts in my head and looked up at him. "You are in my way, I was trying to get to my locker," and pointed to the locker he was just leaning on. He stood up but didn't move. I tried to go around him but he just blocked my path.

"Will you please move!" I shouted. He smirked, oh that smirk. "I will, but what will you give me in return?" I thought about what I could give him, but I had nothing. "Please move, I have done nothing to you. I don't need another bully or someone like you in my life. Please move, now!" I said in a stern voice. He looked shocked, but he only nodded and stepped aside. I took this opportunity and gathered my things from my locker, when I was done, I shut it and turned around to see him still standing there, but his friends were gone. "I am sorry, I didn't mean to be rude," I said calmly, not looking into his eyes. "No, it is my fault. I shouldn't have acted that way, I am sorry," he stuck out his hand, I hesitantly took it. "I am Geneveve, what is your name?". 

"James, my name is James," I nodded

"What class do you have now?" he asked me. I took out my schedule and gave it to him. "Wow, we have every class together," he said. I smiled and started heading to my class, he followed close behind me. We entered the class and the teacher was on her phone, not caring what was going on. James and I found a seat in the back of the class, we talked to each other about ourselves for most of the period. I don't know why but I feel so connected to him, like we were meant to be. But I kept the thought to myself and laughed as James was telling me jokes. The bell rang and the two other classes passed, then we made our way to lunch. James friends from earlier were sitting at a table, I walked through the line and got food with James then started my way to the library, but James grabbed my hand.

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