Chapter 8

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Genevieve's POV

I woke up to the sun shining brightly on my face, I opened my eyes and smiled. I looked up at James to see him sleeping peacefully, I giggled and raised my hand, cupping his cheek. He flinched a little bit, then smiled and opened his eyes. I leaned my head towards him and kissed his lips, he grabbed my small body and pulled it closer to him. We pulled apart and he placed a kiss on my forehead, "My angel," then he moved to my nose. "My heart," kiss, then he moved to my lips, "My mate," kiss.

I wrapped my arms around him and let my hands roam all through his gorgeous, dirty blonde hair. He grabbed my legs and pulled my body onto his, causing me to straddle him. I felt his member poking at me, when I realized that we were still naked from last night. I took one of my hands and grabbed his member, and brought it to my entrance. I placed it inside me and started grinding my hips, he laid down on his back and rolled his hips, making him hit my g-spot just right. He grabbed my hips and pulled me down harder, I moaned out loud and placed my hands on his. "J-James.....please," I begged. He flipped us over, he hovered over me and pushed himself harder into me. I arched my back, and wrapped my hands all in his hair.

He grabbed my legs and pushed them up, then rested them over his shoulders, pushing deeper into me. I cummed all over him as he placed light and wet kisses all on my face and neck. He pulled out and laid beside me, holding my body close to his. We laid there for what felt like hours, before I stood up and started to put my clothes on, "We should go get breakfast, it's almost 11," I said to James. He smiled and got out of bed, then went into the bathroom. I opened the door and went down the hallways until I got to the kitchen, I walked over to the cabinets and started to look through them until I found the supplies that I need. Then I went to the refrigerator and got out some eggs, bacon.

I turned on the stove and started to cook the eggs and bacon, while they were cooking, I started to make some grits. I put butter and water in the bowl then mixed it together, afterwards I stuck it in the microwave. I put the timer on thirty seconds, then went back to cooking the eggs and bacon. When I started putting the food on plates, James came into the kitchen with a smile on his face. He spotted me, then walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my torso. I smiled and continued putting food on the plates, then I sat the plates down on the counter and went to get some orange juice to go along with our breakfast.

We sat down and started to dig into our food, I heard James moan and stuff his face even more. I laughed and turned back to my food, eating it a little faster because I was hungry. James finished his plate and took it over to the sink, and started washing the dishes. I finished my food a few minutes later, then walked over to the sink and started to wash my own dish. James dried his hands and wrapped his arms around my stomach, I smiled and tried to ignore the tingles that I felt. Then all of a sudden I felt like I was going to throw up, I dropped the plate and pushed James out of the way. Heading to the bathroom down the hall, I shut the door and vomited in the toilet. I took deep breaths and sat my back against the wall, James ran inside the bathroom and hurried over to me. "Genevieve, what's wrong?" he asked in a concerning tone. I shrugged my shoulders and stood up, "I must be sick. It's not that bad, I'll be fine in a few days," I shrugged off. Then I walked over to the sink and started to brush my teeth, James left the room because he had some pack business to attend to, and we were supposed to be getting married this weekend. I smiled at myself in the mirror and thought about last night, and this morning. Then I realized that I haven't taken my birth control pill in days, my eyes widened and I ran out of the bathroom, heading towards my bedroom. I shut the door and slid down onto the floor, I didn't know for sure if I was pregnant though. I was interrupted when I heard a sweet voice, "Miss Grey, I saw you run to your room, is everything alright?" the voice said. I stood up and opened the door, there was a young girl about twenty two or twenty three. I opened my mouth but nothing came out, I just nodded and looked down at the ground.

"Miss, if you need me to go get Alpha-" I looked up at her and shook my head. "No that won't be necessary. Thank you though, but I was wondering if you could do me a favor?" I asked nicely. She nodded and smiled, "Would you please go to the store and buy me a few pregnancy tests?" I asked. Her smile grew, "Miss, we have some at the pack doctors office. I will go get you one, I'll be back," she said and started to walk off, but she stopped and turned around. "You have no need to worry, I won't tell Alpha," she said. I smiled and nodded my head. Then she walked off as I shut the door.

I walked over to my bed and waited for about ten minutes before I heard a soft knock at my door, I jumped up and ran over to the door. I opened it to see the girl again, she held up a plastic bag and handed it to me. "If you need me miss, I will be cleaning the kitchen. And my name is Mia," I said thank you and shut the door as she nodded and walked off. I rushed to the bathroom, and shut the door.

I did everything and looked at the stick and saw two lines. I lifted up the box and read what the two lines mean. Pregnant. I dropped the box and sat the pregnancy test on the counter. How am I going to tell James? Will he want the baby? I shook my head of any negative thoughts and tried to figure out how to tell him, my mom used to tell me of women doing scavenger hunts to tell their husbands. I smiled and looked down at the pregnancy test, I should get started. I walked to the door and headed towards the kitchen, I walked inside to see Mia drying off the dishes. She looked up at me and smiled, I smiled back and nodded, she sat the dish down on the counter and walked over to me. She engulfed me in a hug and said congratulations, I told her about the plan that I was going to do, and she agreed to help me out.

"Alright miss, I will go by the store and grab the supplies. Is there anything else you will need?" Mia asked. I thought about it, "Yes, could you please pick me up some cookie dough ice cream?" I asked, she giggled and nodded her head. "I'll be back shortly, miss. When I get back I will help you plan the surprise," she said as she put her coat on. I waved goodbye and headed back to my room.

I laid down on the bed and decided to call James parents to tell them the news. When James gave me a new phone, he put his parents numbers into my phone for emergencies. I dialed his mother's number and let the phone ring, his mother picked up the phone

(Their conversation)

Marline: "Hello Genevieve, it's good to hear from you. How have you been?"

Genevieve: "I am good Marline. Did you get our wedding invitation?"

Marline: "Yes! I am so happy for the both of you,"

Genevieve: "Thank you so much. But that's not why I called you,"

Marline: "Is something wrong?"

Genevieve: "No, everything is fine. But I have some amazing news,"

Marline: "Okay, what is it dear?"

Genevieve: "James doesn't know this yet, I want it to be a surprise. James and I are having a baby,"

Marline: "Oh my, I am going to be a grandmother!!! I am so happy for you, but don't worry Genevieve, your secret is safe with me, I won't tell James,"
Genevieve: "Thank you so much, I am so excited to tell him. I know he will love the baby,"

Marline: "I agree. I have to go. I am having lunch with my husband, I'll talk to you later. Bye Genevieve,"

Genevieve: "Bye Marline,"

(End of conversation)

I hung up the phone just as someone knocked on the door, I walked over and opened the door to see Mia holding a few bags in her hand. I invited her in and helped her with the bags, we sat them down on the bed and started to get to work. I started writing on the note cards, while Mia came up with places to put them. The wedding was in two days, and this would be my gift for him.

We finished all of the notes cards, and I asked Mia if she would keep them in a safe place until we can place them out at the wedding. She told me that she would put them in her bedroom, I nodded and started to clean up the markers and pens that we drew with. When everything was cleaned up, she told me that she put the ice cream in the freezer downstairs. I thanked her and hugged her, she hugged me back and gave me a soft smile. "It was an honor to help you Luna," she said and nodded her head, then left the room. I walked back over to the bed and laid down, then put a hand on my stomach and whispered, "I love you already, and I can't wait to meet you," then I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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