4- Not Ok

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Ella POV:
  I don't really remember much from the night I ended up outside, it's like a bad dream that just doesn't make since. I have been trying to just stay shut up in my room, because I don't want to have to see or interact with Connor who keeps insisting I need to eat more, sleep less. All I want to do is lay here and stay sleeping, because when I sleep I can be with my parents again, and I tell Bradley how I really feel about him. I can live the life I lost in my dreams, and when I'm awake I'm in a world that I wish I wasn't in.

Connor POV:
  "Maddie I don't know what to do, she hasn't been out of her room in over week, except to use the bathroom and shower. She isn't eating much, and she is still waking up screaming at night." I tell her as I run my hand through my hair in frustration.

"It will get better I promise, look just go to work I'll take care of her I promise," she says reassuring me.

I give he a quick kiss before grabbing my keys off the table. "If you need me just call and I'll come back," I say deciding there wasn't any point in arguing with Maddie because I never win anyway.

"Ok I will, I promise. Now go before your late for your first day back at work." She says a she pushes me out the door.

"Fine I'm going," I say as she shuts the door behind me.

Ella POV:
"Ella can I come in?" I here a voice I assume to be Maddie, Connor's girlfriend.

"Sure," I say not really caring what she does.

"How about me and you go have a girl day, we can go eat and get our hair done. Does that sound like something you would be up to?" She asked sweetly.

"Not really," I say not really wanting to do anything.

"Come on it may help you feel better," she say as she pull the covers off me and holds her hand out for me.

"Ok, I guess I'll do it." I say giving her my hand and letting her help me out if bed.

"Get a shower and put on something nice, it will make you feel better too," she say happily.

"Fine!" I say getting annoyed by over excitement. "I don't understand why your being so nice to me, I mean don't you hate that I'm living here with Connor. I mean he is your boyfriend and I'm not much you get then him you know. I'll be 18 I just a few months." I say hoping to kill some of her happiness.

"I'm not worried, I know Connor loves me! I mean it's not like your trying to take him right!?" She half asked.

"No, I don't want Connor. Trust me I don't even really know him, until the hospital I hadn't seen him in over 4 years, he never visited his dad or Bradley." I say reassuring her.

"Ok then so their isn't any reasons we can't be friends," she says before going into my closet and beginning to pull out clothes.

"Hurry up and shower, I'll have something laid out on the bed when you come out," she says to me before turning her attention back to my closet.

Several hours later...
   Wow you look amazing," Maddie says as the lady finishes with my hair and makeup then turns me around for her to see. I couldn't believe I was looking at myself, my hair looked lighter with the highlights and I have never been a fan of wearing much make up but I think I will definitely start after seeing how amazing I looked with it done.

"I feel like I'm your real life Barbie," I say with a small smile. "First you picked out this dark blue midi dress and blue jean jacket that I don't even remember owning, then you did my make up and made me get my hair done."

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