10- Small Miracles

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Connor POV
  I wasn't able to go back to see Ella just yet as they were getting her set up in a room but they are allowing me to go see the baby. As I make it I to the NICU I see my beautiful little girl that looks so much like a mix of Ella and Bradley that it almost took my breath away. She was so little year so perfect, she currently wasn't breathing on her own but they say that's to be expected since she is almost three months early.
"Hey beautiful," I say as I stick my hand into the case and hold her little hand with my fingers. She quickly closes her had around my finger which gave me hope that she would be ok and that she was strong. I don't know how long I had been standing there when I get someone gently place a hand on my shoulder. I turn around to see the doctor from earlier. "You can go see Ella now if you want," he says calmly.
"Yes please," I say as I take one more look at the baby before following him out of the room to go see Ella.

   I walk in and Ella is laying so still in a bed with all kinds of wires and tubes hooked up to her and she was so white. "Oh Ella, I'm am so sorry I could protect you if I would have gotten or the party sooner or just insisted that you not go maybe you're push be here like this," I say as I take her hand into mine and place a small kiss on it.
"We have her in a medical induced coma just to give her heart and body time to heal," he informs me.
"How long will she need to be like this?" I ask sadly, hating seeing her like this.
"At least a week, maybe longer. Her body will tell us if she is ready once we start to wean her off everything," he say before leaving to room to give me some time alone with her.

   I sat there for hours everyday, not wanting to leave her side. I only left for during NICU Visiting house so that I could check on our baby whom I have yet to give a name even though we have been her for over a week. Ella has made a lot of progress and they have been able to take her off some stuff but her body just isn't fully ready to be off everything. Our baby girl is getting stronger and has gained a full pound since her early arrival. My mom has been here to take over on Ella duty anytime I had to leave her. I had already explained to her about how the baby was really Ella and Bradley's after I took her to see the baby the first time because she looks so much like a perfect mixture of them both. I also informed her that I loved her like she is my own since the day I say her on the screen in the doctors office for the first time. I have  grown to love her even more since she has been born, but that I would make sure she would grow up to know that my brother would have loved her and been a good father to her if he would have lived.

I make It back to the room where Ella is after spending the last hour with the baby. "Mom you can go on back home now and get some rest, I can't go back to see the baby again until in the morning," I say as I take my normal seat beside Ella's bed. "No Connor, you need to go home shower and get some rest," she says sternly. "Mom you know I can't do that," I say not even taking my eyes off Ella. "Son your starting to stink and you are no good to Ella or that baby girl if you are exhausted," she say in a scolding tone. "Fine I'll go home for a few hours but you will call me if anything changes," I demand as I get up to leave.
"Yes son, I promise if anything bad happens I'll call you," she says as he basically pushes me out of the door.
"Ok," I say knowing there is no use in fighting it and plus I could definitely use a shower and a couple hours good sleep.

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