Chapter Thirteen

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The Superstar's Autograph
_Chapter Thirteen

[ Dedicated to Yizhanwillprevail ]

Credits to the original owner of this song.

P.S. I'm crying while typing this chapter, it feels like I am in this story and I couldn't do anything to help them...Don't judge me. I am a crybaby.


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Yibo lightly dipped me in the tub with red roses petals floating in the white soppy lukewarm liquid. "Where did you get these petals?" I smiled and played with the bubbles around me.

"I bought few clothes earlier when you were sleeping and I saw these roses in a flower shop so I thought to give you an extraordinary bubble bath. Wait for me." He said as he exited the bathroom.

"Yibo, I thought you are done showering. Don't come in the bathtub with me!!!" I yelled to his retreating figure.

A bubble bath with roses?! Never heard of it but this man here invented it. What a weirdo.

His laughed echoed in the whole room. "I won't."

After one minute he appeared in front of me with clothes on, a sweatshirt and black shorts. He folded the sleeves up to his elbow and acquired a sponge mesh net, plunged it to the water to get soap on it and the guy started scrubbing me with it, from my neck to my chest in a squat position where he put all his weight to his feet. "I want you to be spotless clean again."

"Are you saying that after meeting you, I became dirty? You didn't taint me at all." Sting of hot tears were forming in my eyes. I could sense the pain he was trying to inflict. Reality sucks but those words from him were more excruciating. I knew you were meant to go!

He let go of the sponge and cupped my face with his hands. "Zhan, I'm just trying to tell you that tonight-"

This was it!

"You're going to leave and tomorrow you'll do the last part of your tour and you'll have to act like we didn't met." I bit my lower lip, stopping it from making any noises. I don't want to hopelessly bawl while clinging to his arms.

He brought his lips to mine and we kissed, not passionately but it was feather-light, chaste kiss.

"You're the best thing that ever happened to my life, remember that. Even we won't see each other after this day I'll always be with you and you'll always be with me...Zhan Zhan." Yibo murmured above a hush voice in my ear.

I chuckled with an airy laugh. Compelling myself not to cry loudly. Why am I feeling this way?! "You're too cheesy."

"I can be anything for you, love." He winked and pulled my arm, rubbing it too.

I paused thinking for a second, discerning about what to say next. "After your concert, where will you go next?"

"Tch, let's not talk about that."

I eyed him with suspicion. "You don't want to talk about that because its easy for you to find my replacement."

An unwelcome smug smirk appeared on his mouth. "Now you're being jealous."

I punched him on his upper arm, getting a groan from him. "I don't even like you, Wang Yibo."

"Yeah. Convince yourself with that. The truth will prevail though." He turned me around in order to exposed my back to him, I hugged my knees and he continued what he was doing, 'cleaning' me.

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