Chapter Thirty-Three

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The Superstar's Autograph
_Chapter Thirty-Three

The metropolis of Seoul was quiet; snow stacked against curbs drifted to the surfaces of structures and shops, stores and withered foliage. The moonlight cavorted against the synthetic lights and white mounds, bringing them to life with opalescent vim. Normally I would have taken my time, renovating and clearing my disorganize insights but not tonight.

I thought about all he had done.

From the very beginning...

Fourteen year old me...

To the nineteen year old me...

And to the current Xiao Zhan...

Who unable to recall him not until he told me about the past...All clear now and it kept on replaying in my head...All the good and ugly feelings he fostered in me declined to flow through the channel of my hopeless and 'should be forgotten' anamneses. [A/N: Anamneses means memories] They still ignite, warming my chilled scalp.

The sound of his phone robbed me out from my pensiveness and slated me back in my present-day regrets. "Hello? It's me. Yibo...Yeah, sure. I'll go there. Tell them, I will do my role to the job." Yibo then took a quick turn to a lane and we stopped in front of a huge building. In the doors, there were people in suits coming in and out. "I'll have to talk to someone and we can go straight home. Be right back."

He left me to the truck and hove himself on his full height, looking around him as he approached a petite girl who just got out from the revolving doors. I looked up to see the name of Yibo's company plastered on the upper section of the building. The young woman was in her early twenties, I judged, only about one year older or so than Yibo, she was stunning with long black hair, winter coat and boots. He put a smile for her as their eyes contacted and something inside me singed, burned, charred. Who is this fox? Why is Yibo smiling like that to her? He never smiled for anyone similar of that one other They swapped words with each other, anyone can call it whatever but it was plain as the nose on your face that this female has feelings for him. She was gazing at Yibo in an infatuated lovesick way while speaking to the idol. I saw it with my two naked eyes! When she placed her arms around his neck, held her hips against his for a moment and laughed to what he said, my eyebrows flew to the roof of the Chevy. Clenching my fists on top of my thighs, I pasted myself on the seat, emotionless and was about to run there, demand justice. Why would I? Who am I anyway in Yibo's life? The dummy he just rejected.

Five meters away from where they were, I noticed two women possessing cameras and directing it to them.

Damn reporters...

As I returned my kindling vision to Yibo, he was scanning the maiden with what I presumed was like or love in his eyes but couldn't tell from the angle he was standing at. The damsel beyond doubt was doing that to him. She loves him! My heart frisked a collection of pulses and rapidly thumping to the point I thought my chest will burst open at any second as soon as what he did etched on my head with the stranger; he kissed her on the cheek and I swore she gasped referring from her expression.

Now I understood what he feels, existing as the third party in the middle of my relationship with Zoey...

Forty-three minutes perished from my imaginary wristwatch, they exported their final dialogues and the lady fixed her stylish tote bag on her shoulder, kissed him back on his face then expired to the office block. I guaranteed all I could see was red in disapprobation.

When Yibo returned to the vehicle, I am improbably threading through my rising and falling agitation but swigged my words back to my throat. He started the ignition, backing out of his parking space as he steered off to the road. "What's wrong? You have a contorted face on." He abstractedly stretched an arm to touch me but I scooted to the door, avoiding his hand.

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