Chapter Twenty-Eight

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The Superstar's Autograph
_Chapter Twenty-Eight

[ Dedicated to the ones who waited for this chapter. ]

Change of plans, the epilogue of this story will be posted on JUNE 2020. LOLOL.

Thank you for reading!


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Sitting on the side of his apartment's entry for fifty minutes or maybe more, I didn't care at all; my knees were gathered up to my chest and I hugged it; stringently, the sound of the door being slammed on my face still pulsating in every bends, curves, junctions and angles of my mind.

Imperceptible needles poked a certain chunk in my brain and it was insufferably painful. I filched a deep breath from my respiratory organ and let it go in one exhalation. Dad...Dad...I must to talk to my dad...I must talk to someone...

I sealed my eyes when the view in front of me shifted from clear colors to hazy white and it felt that I am dichotomizing an optical illusion art. I'm feeling lightheaded again.

No...Don't come back...I fully recovered from it...For ten years...I muddled through to dominate it... No further constructive medical care, relaxing music, hospitals, medication, talk therapy, lifestyle change, and emotional support...I got this...Don't come back...I am an adult now so I know what to do...Don't come back...

"Ugly loser," An unaffected by any sentiments voice asked. "Care for a banana?"

"Huh?" I didn't presume him to be the angel that would possibly sip me out from my unnerved reverie.

"Banana, you want?" From a pair of black miniscule vans, I skimmed my eyes to the kid who was wearing it. He looked like he just got out from the shower with his hair still damp, donning a white hoodie and black jeans.

This child's fashion is better than my life...He adjusted his snapback that covering half of his face and held one banana out for me. "Eat it, it's nearly lunch time and you are playing statue here."

"Thank you for this." I peeled the banana skin and ate its flesh.

"Good, right?" Sejun positioned himself beside me, he comfortably parked his butt on the floor there. His hoodie's cloth touched my jacket and it tranquilized my gyrating thoughts.

"Hmm. Where's your dad?"

"Cooking for lunch." He shrugged his small shoulders and bit his own banana. "Are you waiting for Yibo hyung to let you in?"

"I...I am not demanding him to do that..." I am not...

"Then why are you here sitting mournfully as if you are waiting for him?"

"I want to make an apology for the bad things I did to him."

"What did you do?"

"I hurt him...not once but many times..."

"Then why did you hurt him if you knew too well that it will hurt you too in the end?" This kid sure is clever.

"Because I am not good in defending my decisions, I always chose the wrong options and I kept regretting it. I'm a bad person..."

"If you are a bad person you wouldn't talk to me again after I called you 'Ugly' or 'Loser'." His lips turned up in a private smile. A smile looked good in him. "You have your reasons, right?"

I sighed colossally. ""

The lexes from him came out in a whisper, "No? Or are you worried to tell him?"

"Sejun, let's stop talking. Go and eat your lunch with your father." I said with subtle desperation.

"Would you like to go with me? My dad won't mind."

"What? No, it's okay."

He scowled cutely. "I'll tell dad to wrap you some food."

Before I could change his plan, he was already in the safety of their home. What happened to him? He metamorphosed onto an unusual bubbly child...Not enigmatic and gray anymore...

I've waited in silence for anyone in the floor of this apartment to make movements other than the two adults I know and Sehun's son but nobody appeared. To think about it, there were only two doors in this level with Yibo's place and his neighbor. They were celebrities for starters and had to furnish the importance of their privacy and they had their own elevator.

I lashed my head to his cream colored entry, not to be childish I am resisting the coercion to creep to Yibo's doggy door and plead him to loan me a phone.

"Zhan ge, here's your grilled chicken sandwich." Sejun emerged from their side of the floor, distributed to me the paper bag and a plastic bottle with light brown liquid he carried with him. "Green plum juice too."

"Did you eat well? You've been gone for two minutes and now you are back."

"I ate fast because my dad and I will watch the movie The Great Wall on Netflix." He touted animatedly, springing on his feet. "I'm going to see my mom, I mean my other dad, Luhan! He's in that film. Join us."

"No, I'll stay here. Thanks for the food." I hooded the troubled blots in my standard speech.

"You are welcome." It was the last conversation I had with Sejun before he retreated to his father who probably in a couch with a laptop on his lap.

I leaned back to the wall, closed my eyes and drifted to the terrain of sleep. I'll be here until you know everything about me, Yibo...

Not for too long, someone hijacked my hyperawareness beneath the cloak of rest and prodded it on my body by exclaiming my name.

"Xiao Zhan!!! Xiao Zhan!!!"

At the beginning, I thought it was a nightmare but when I flicked my eyelids up and down, the first thing that unfolded in my visual field; no other than my girlfriend's face. She was wearing a pale blue parka and matched it with white skinny jeans. Her long curled hair flowed finely.

"Zoey? How did you get here?"

She pouted her red lips, "Are you not happy to see me, babe? I am with your father..."

"My father..." I repeated. Thank god.

"And your grandma..."

My grandmother...A black fiery wings with nonidentical emotions for feathers wrapped my untraceable concatenation of thoughts and enkindled it onto cloud of dust, I sobbed.

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Wrong grammars and English usage errors. I KNOW. I'll edit this work soon.


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