Chapter 11: Hogsmeade, The Results of Buckbeak's Trial and the Quidditch Final

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The owl post arrived as owls fly into the great hall, looking for their owners. Each owl carrying either packages, newspapers or letters from home. Hedwig was easy to spot as the snowy owl spots Harry and lands in front of him. She had an envelope in her beak. Harry takes the envelope and pets Hedwig. Harry said, "Thanks Hedwig." Hedwig hoots happily, then helps herself to Neville's cereal. Harry opens the envelope to find a letter from Hagrid. Harry said, "It's from, Hagrid." Ron said, "What does it say?" Harry looks at the letter and reads it. It read:

Dear Harry and Ron,

How about having tea with me this afternoon? Around 6pm?

I'll come and collect you from the castle.





Ron reads Hagrid's letter and said, "He probably wants to hear all about Black." Harry shrugs, puts the letter away and resumes eating. So, at 6pm that afternoon, Harry and Ron leave Gryffindor Tower. They pass the security trolls at a run and head down to the entrance hall. Hagrid was already there waiting for them. Ron said, "All right, Hagrid. I suppose you want to hear about Saturday night, do you?" Hagrid said, "I've already heard all about it." Hagrid opens the front door and leads them outside. Ron said, looking slightly put out, "Oh." They head down to Hagrid's hut. As they enter the hut, they see Buckbeak stretched out on top of Hagrid's quilt. His enormous wings were folded tightly against his body. He was enjoying a large plate of dead ferrets. Harry looks around and sees a hairy brown suit with a yellow and orange tie, hanging from Hagrid's wardrobe door. Harry said, "What are they for, Hagrid?" Hagrid said, "Buckbeak's case against the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures. This Friday, him and me will be going down to London together. I've booked 2 beds on the Knight Bus." Harry felt guilty, he had completely forgot about Buckbeak's trial. The trial was coming up and they hadn't done much to help him. Harry looks at Ron and sees that he had forgotten, too. Receiving his Firebolt, had driven it completely out of his mind. Hagrid made them both tea and offered a plate of Bath Buns. They respectfully declined, since they had too much experience with Hagrid's cooking. Hagrid sits between them looking seriously at them. He said, "I got something to discuss with you 2." Harry said, "What?" Hagrid said, "Hermione." Ron said, "What about her?" Hagrid said, "She's in a right state, that's what. She's been coming down to visit me a lot since Christmas. Been feeling lonely. First you weren't talking to her, because of the Firebolt. Now you're not talking to her, because of her cat...." Ron finished angrily, "Ate Scabbers!" Hagrid said, "Because her cat acted like all cats do, Ron. She cried a fair few times, you know. Going through a rough time at the moment. Bitten off more than she can chew. If you ask me, all the work she's trying to do. Still found time to help me with Buckbeak's case. She found some really good stuff for me. Reckon, he'll stand a good chance now." Harry said, "Hagrid, we should have helped as well. We're sorry." Hagrid said, "I'm not blaming you. God knows you've had enough to be getting on with. I've seen you practicing Quidditch every hour of the day and night. I got to tell ya, I though you 2 valued your friends more than broomsticks or rats. That's all." Ron and Harry look at each other uncomfortably as Hagrid continues, "Really upset, she was. When Black nearly stabbed ya, Ron. She got her heart in the right place, Hermione has. And you 2 not talking to her." Ron said angrily, "If she'd just get rid of that cat, I'd speak to her again. But she is still sticking up for it! It's a maniac and she won't hear a word against it!" Hagrid said, "Ah well, people can be a bit stupid about their pets." They continue chatting until 9pm. Hagrid walks them up to the castle and says his goodbyes to them. They say their goodbyes to Hagrid and head up to their common room.

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