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Amy's pov

It took sometime to fall asleep. I kept thinking about how he is going to find us; there is no way he can do that. I told Mark that I am going home but I rushed to get a new phone and a new number. I paid extra to put a block on the GPS, I didn't even know that they could do that. Once we got home, Riley passed out on the couch.

I tossed and turned all night.

"Mom what is wrong?" Riley asked, walking into my room.

"Everything is fine honey." I sat up.

"Who was on the phone? Was it my dad?" She sat on my bed.

"Yeah, he found out that we are not home and he was not happy."

"Are we going back? I don't want to I like it here."

"We are not going back honey. Over my dead body, will you go to your father."

She gave me a weak smile then asked.

"Mommy, why is he so mean?"

"Greed, he wants to control momma but I am not letting him."

"I don't want to go to him, can't the courts decided that?"

"If it gets to that then I will go to the courts but I don't see it getting that far. Why are you worried about this?"

"I don't want to go back to that house, you were so unhappy but here you are happy. I like seeing you smile."

I wrapped my arms around her pulling her into my arms.

"As long as I have you, I am as happy as I will ever be." I kissed the top of her head.

"Even if you have to go back to him?"

"If it came to it, as long as you are safe then yes."

"I hope we don't ever see him again." She said softly.

"You don't have to worry about this, but you do need to go to sleep."

I laid down with her still in my arms. After a little, she drifted off to sleep.

The next couple of days I kept looking over my shoulders, I know that he is going to pop up. Mark pissed him off by taking the phone off of me, I know that Mark meant well but, I wish that he didn't do that.

"Momma, you are spacing." Riley said as I walked her to the park.

"I am just thinking."

"You think a lot."

"That is a good thing. Now, are you excited to see Maddox?"

"Yes!, we get to play all day!" She jumped up and down still holding my hand.

Mark put together a little community day at the park, all of the kids get to play together. It is his way of keeping the kids being kids.

"Is there going to be food?" Riley asked.

"I think so."


I laughed as we crossed the street, once we saw Maddox sitting on the bench by herself I let Riley's hand go, she took off to Maddox. Riley gave Maddox a huge hug then they went and played on the monkey bars.

"Hey." Mark said as I walked over to him.

"Hi." I gave him a small wave.

"You look like you have been crying, are you okay?"

"Says you, your eyes are bloodshot still."

"Yeah, Maddox has some questions last night about her mom."

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