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Very long chapter!! Hope you enjoy!!!


Amy's pov

"Thank you for staying the past couple of nights." I said to Grayson.

"It is no big deal, I kind of like having a sleepover." He smiled.

"I just feel bad; you need to be at home, not babysitting us."

He put a few books on the shelves and looked at me and said.

"Babysitting? How about keeping your asses from going crazy."

"Yeah, that can work." I laughed.

"I am not going to come over tomorrow, Romeo might be staying over."  His smile took up his whole face.

"Oh please, I keep telling you that we are just friends."

"For now. Plus, keep going on these playdates and soon they will be dates. Just know that I do babysit. But Riley is going to have to help me with the signing."

"Thank you for the babysitting offer, if I need to take you up on that, I am. But right now we are just going to the zoo for the kids."

"How cute."

I rolled my eyes at him as I put a few cooking books away.

"Look, I know you are not mentally ready for a relationship but don't turn into one of those psychotic girls who pushes the guys away."

"I don't want them to get hurt."

"Mark knows what he is getting into, now for dinner I am thinking pizza."

"You eat just like Riley." I laughed.


"Momma, where are we going?" Riley asked as I finished getting dressed.

"To the zoo."

"But, I thought that was a bad place?" She looked at me confused.

"Mark said that this one is safe."

Oh god, not only did he damage me, he got her too.

"Is Maddox going to be there?" She asked.


"Can I get a stuff plushy?"

"If I have enough money then yes."

Her smile took up her whole face.

It didn't take long for me to finish getting ready, but I'm low on gas and money so we need to take the bus to and back.

"Hey!" Mark yelled when we got off of the bus.

"Oh, hi. I didn't think you were going to be here at the bus stop."

"Grayson told me that you were planning on taking the bus."

Damn it, Grayson!

"I could have driven you guys." He smiled.

"I didn't want to be inconvenienced."

"You two are never that. Plus, it's dangerous to take the bus alone at night. Please, let me take you both home. I have two car seats."

"How did you get two?"

"I took Tyler's for Maddox."

"Thank you."

We walked the few blocks to the zoo. When we got there Mark handed me mine and Riley's ticket.

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