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Riley's pov

I know that mommy went with him to keep me safe, But I wish that she didn't. My dad is going to hurt her. 

"Riley, are you okay?" Mark asked as I walked into the kitchen area.

"No, I want my momma and I can't have her. My meanie head of a dad scared her to go with him. I know he did! She would only go with him if he said that he would hurt me."

"Everything is going to be okay, your mom is going to be fine. She is super strong and can handle him."

"Why is he so mean? All we want to do is to  have a normal life! Why can't he just let us do that?" The tears poured out of my eyes.

"I wish I could answer those questions for you, I am so sorry that I am not able to."

"It is not fair! NOT FAIR!" I stomped my foot.

I wasn't able to see anything through the tears, I know that I am acting like a big baby, but I just want my momma and I know that he is hurting her.

I felt two arms pick me up holding me.

"It's going to be okay." Mark said low as he started to rock me. "I know that none of this is fair to you or your mother. But soon everything will be okay. I don't know when Amy will come back but she will."

"How do you know that?" I asked through the tears.

"If she does not come back in a few days then I will go out and get her. I will find where she is and get her back."

"But you need to stay here, mom wants you to keep an eye on me."

"I will figure something out. But, why don't we get something to eat. Do you want to go wake Maddox up and we can all eat together?"

I nodded my head yes.

"Okay, let me clean your face up."

He set me down on the table then got a clean rag to clean my face off,  he put me back down on the ground so I could get Maddox.

I tapped her on the shoulder, she rubbed her eyes then waved at me. I gave her a sad wave then walked away. I heard her behind me, I sat down at the table not waiting to talk to anyone.

Maddox pulled on Mark's shirt making him look down, they started to sign each other as I looked away. After a few seconds I got up and walked out of the room.

"Where are you going?" Tyler asked.

"I want to be alone." I looked up at him.

"Don't leave the building." He looked sad.

I nodded my head then kept walking until I found a flight of stairs. I walked all the way up them to the roof.

"I am going to need to keep this open so they know that I am out here." I looked around for something heavy.

After looking in the hallways I found a huge book.

"This will work!"

I jammed the book under the door and walked outside letting the cool air hit my face. There is a little seating area out here, I sat down on the bench closing my eyes.

"It is quiet out here." A female said.

I opened my eyes to see a lady who looked homeless.

"Do you live up here?"

"Not live, but I do come up here from time to time."

"How do you get up here?"

"There is a ladder that I climbed."

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