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Amy's pov

I hate being with him but I need to keep Riley safe. I plan on ditching him but I need the right time to do it. My child needs me, I need to get back to her.

"You will pay for leaving me." Adam growled.

"You are so annoying! Now since my baby is safe I don't have to be nice to you." I rolled my eyes at him.

He gripped the steering wheel, he wanted to hit me but he can't while he is driving. I  looked around the car trying to find something to hurt him with.

"Sit still." He barked.


"Why are you not listening to me?"

"Because you are shit to me."

I found a screwdriver in the little holder on the door, I gripped the handle. This is what I will use to make my getaway.

"Where the fuck are you taking me?" I barked.

"To get that kid."

"You don't know where she is." I laughed.

"No but you do."

"Like I am going to tell you. You have a better chance of me having another kid with you."

"That can be arranged."

"In your dreams."

He gripped the steering wheel again.

"You think you're such a hot shot. The only reason girls sleep with you is because of your bank account. Once they find out that you're a scumbag who doesn't give two shits about your kid that all will leave you."
"Nope they will still have sex with me becuase of my money." He laughed.

"Not if I tell everyone that you have a STD." I smirked.

"You bitch!" He took a handful of my hair and tried to smash my head on the dashboard but blocked him by taking the screw driver to his gut.

"Did you really think that it is a good idea to leave sharp objects around me?" I laughed then stabbed him again.

"You son of a bitch!"

He pulled the car over, I undid my seat belt and stabbed him again at the same time. Then jumped out of the car taking the screwdriver with me.

"HELP ME!" I screamed as I ran away from the car.

I was able to hear him following behind me.

Riley's pov

"What do you mean she got into the car?" Mark asked Tyler as he walked into the office.

"I want my mommy." I told Mark through the tears.

"I am going to find her." He picked me up, rocking me back and forth.

"Why did she leave me?"

"She didn't leave, she just took a trip. But she will be back."

He kept rocking me back and forth in his arms as I kept crying.

"Why don't we go make some food." Tyler said. "I think we have some ice cream in the freezer."

I looked over at him, "I don't want ice cream, I want my mommy!"

"I know. We are working on finding her."

Maddox walked into the office, she had her dolly in her hands. She reached up and pulled on my foot to sign to me.

"Do you want to hold my dolly?"
I shook my head.

"Do you want to go to the hidden room?"


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