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Amy's pov

"Get away from me!" I pushed Adam off of me getting back to my feet trying to get away.

I was able to push him pretty far away, I ran into the woods trying to find someplace to hide.

"I will get you for that!" He called after me, he is bleeding pretty good from the stab.

"Leave me alone! You are the devil!" I ran down a hill stumbling down jumping over rocks.

"You can run but you can't hide!

"I will try."

There was a cave that I was able to climb in, I duck down in it hiding in the dark.

"I will just wait for you to come out here!" He laughed.

Slowly I climbed farther into the dark getting away from him.

My body hurts like hell from him attacking me but I need to keep going, Riley. I need to get back to Riley. I know that Mark and Tyler will keep her safe but it is not their job to do that. It is mine. She is my child. I need to be there to keep her safe.

The smell of his horrible cologne was getting weaker, good, he is getting farther away. I kept crawling deeper and soon finding a small hole at the end. It is just big enough for me to crawl out of. Once I was far enough out I stood up running away.

I have to be close to the hideaways, I always told Riley that if we went to the woods that we needed to hide there. I even did a few drills with her so she knew how to get there.

After about  20 minutes of running I was able to smell his horrible cologne again, shit, how did he know that I snuck out the back?

"Got you." Two arms wrapped around me tackling me to the ground.

"Get off of me!"

I elbowed him in the face, breaking his grip off of me, I tried to run free again but he grabbed a fist full of my hair pulling me back to the ground.

"Why are you so stupid?" He barked at me.

"Why are you such an asshole?" I held my head.

"All you had to do was stay in the house like a good little girl and raise our child, you had everything that you wanted."

"No, I want my child to be free from you!" I kicked him in the face then jumped up kicking him in the chest.

"I see someone has been training." He laughed.

"I had too, because you don't know how to leave me alone!"

"I told you Amy, we are meant to be, one little happy family." He laughed.

"Is that why you hid your child from the world? And why every time you got pissed off at something at work you took it out on me?"

"You being away from me is making you brave, I don't like this talking back to me. When we get home I will take care of that."

"Go to hell!"

I picked a huge rock up and threw it in his face taking off again.

As soon as I jumped off of a boulder I felt a sharp pain to my side forcing me to the ground.

"You shot me!" I said watching my blood leak out of me.

"Damn, I missed your head!" He was walking closer to me.

I got back up holding my side trying to ignore the pain shooting up my body.

"I can just follow your blood!" His voice echoed in the woods.

I am fucked, he is going to find me and Riley is going to be parentless, please Mark take care of her. I am so sorry for dropping her on you like this.  No, Amy, you can't think like this, you need to get out of here. You can get out of here. You just need to hide long enough for him to go past you then you can go the other way calling for help. Someone has to find you, I have been missing for over a week fighting him.

His smell was getting faint, I am getting away from him again.

I looked around trying to find a way back to the path, once my foot stepped in the creek I knew that I was close.

Riley's pov

"Tyler." I pulled on his shirt as he made some coffee for himself.

"Yes, Riley."

"Do you think Mark is going to find my mom?"

"He will, with your help he knows where to go and how to find her."

"What if he is too late?"

"He will not be too late."

"How do you know that?"

"Because it is almost Christmas and nothing bad can happen this close to christmas."

"Really?" I looked up at him puzzled.

"Yep, now why don't we finish up your list to Santa."

I walked to the table where Maddox was writing her list.

I tapped on her shoulder then signed to her,

"What are you asking for?"

She smiled at me then slid the paper to me.

Dear Santa,

I know that every year I ask for toys and my hearing back. But this year I want something different. I wish that you can take all of my gifts and give me one thing. I want my dad to be happy. He takes care of me and drops everything for me that he needs to be happy. Amy makes him happy. I haven't seen him this happy since I was really young. I think he is even happier than that! What I want for Christmas and for Amy and my dad to be together. I know love is Cupid's thing, but do you think that you can use your Christmas magic and get them together?


Maddox Fishbach.

I looked up at her then hugged her.

When I pulled away I signed at her,

"My dad loves your mom, He is head over heels for her."

She smiled at me then looked down at the table.

"Riley, let's work on your letter for Santa." Tyler said, handing me some paper and a pen.

Dear Santa,

I have been nothing but good this whole year, I get good grades, I do my homework, I clean my room, and I have not talked back to my mom as much as I normally do. Tyler told me that because it is Christmas nothing bad will happen to my mom, I believe him. So for my Christmas wish, I wish for Maddox to have her hearing back. She said that she normally asks for that but this year she wants her dad to find love with my mom. So I want to use my Christmas wish this year to help Maddox. She is so sweet and is trying so hard. Please, even if it is not 100%, it will be better than nothing.


Riley Nelson.

I gave Tyler my letter smiling.

"I will make sure that Santa gets both of these." He signed to us.

"How do you know Santa?" Maddox signed at Tyler.

"When you get to a certain age, you get to meet Santa." He signed to us laughing.

Maddox's eyes widened as she looked at me.

"It is late, let's go to bed." He signed to us.

We jumped off of the chairs then walked to bed.

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