Exact Replica

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Hermione groaned as she leaned back against the cold bathtub, hearing the toilet flush as she held her stomach, groaning. 

Hermione sighed, bastard couldn't even wake up to hold her hair back

Around the corner, she heard a muffled voice and suspicious giggles. 

Hermione sighed and held her head as she inched her way back up to her feet. As soon as the world stopped spinning, Hermione began to stumble her way across the bedroom and into the hall. 

A stark naked six year old ran across the hall from one bedroom to the next, giggling profoundly as Draco's voice called, "Alya, please! I'm begging you, come put on your clothes!"

I couldn't help but smile before I turned the corner to go into Leo's room.

Leo was on the floor, completely naked as well, mid diaper change. 

Draco kneeled on the floor, in his sweats, his shirt was underneath Leo which left his abs completely exposed, which I wasn't complaining about. 

"Shit, where are the bloody wipes?" Draco mumbled to himself. 

"Sweetheart, they're under your knee," Hermione grinned. 

Draco looked up as if he just got caught for stealing, "Love! Oh Merlin, I'm so sorry, did I wake you? I meant to be as quiet as possible but... well, it's not really possible."

"Trust me, I know," she smirked, "Don't feel bad, I puked myself awake."

Draco sighed, "And I wasn't there to help, I'm sorry."

Hermione's heart ached for a second with the guilt, there she was cursing him out as she sat on their bathroom floor while he was up trying to handle the two nightmares they called children. 

"Oh hush up, you've done nothing wrong," Hermione pulled her hair back and got onto her knees next to Draco, "I've got this one, you deal with your little princess."

Draco smirked and pressed his lips firmly against hers, "I love you."

Hermione smirked, "Oh I know."

Draco stood to go try to get some clothes on his little girl, but turned when Hermione said, "Oh, and also... we will now permanently use all of your shirts as changing pads."

Draco glanced down at his bare chest and back at her, grinning sheepishly, "It was the closest thing I could grab."

Hermione held up her hands in surrender, "I personally think you only wanted to remind me that you have, and I quote, 'the best dad bod around', but hey, you tell yourself whatever you need to!"

Draco smiled and shook his head at her before walking off, calling, "Alya! Come on, sweetheart, help me out here."

Hermione smiled down at her little boy, "Hi bubba!"

Leo smiled at her, "Mumma!"

Hermione grinned, "That's my boy! Keep talking bubba."

Leo continued to string together tiny sentences with a few babbles thrown in for good measure as Hermione finished changing him and dressed him, nodding along to his words or giving an overdramatic, "Ooh!" when appropriate."

"Okay, Bubba, up we go!" She stood, letting Leo stand and run off to go annoy his father, no doubt. That seemed to be Leo's favorite hobby these days.

A scratch at the window caused Hermione to turn, and when she saw the owl flapping outside with a letter clenched between its' talons, she flew to the window in excitement. 

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