eight : wasted

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Neither Anastasia nor Wanda really knew who got out the liquor, or when.

Regardless, Anastasia was three-quarters done with a bottle of vodka in and laying on Wanda's carpet, crying.

Wanda, on the other hand, was a quarter way done with a bottle of bourbon, laying on top of her made bed, and also crying.

They were both crying, taking turns on reliving trauma and crying about feelings they would never say out loud when sober.

It was Anastasia's turn, "he was the only good thing that came out of that place," she cried, "he was always there and I just, I loved him so much"

Wanda nodded, from the bed she cried back, "Hydra sucks."

Lifting the almost empty bottle to her lips, Anastasia slurred, "I'll drink to that."

Wanda moved her head back as she gulped down mouthfuls of the brown liquid. "I miss Pietro."

Anastasia nodded back, "I don't want to be sad anymore," she jumped to her feet, but not before she swayed and almost fell, "let's be happy."

Wanda groaned as she drank more liquor out of the bottle and crying, "but I miss him so much, I can't be happy without my," she hiccuped, "brother!"

Anastasia shook her head before swaying over to her new best friend and saying, "let's be happy, come on, it's what Alec and Pietro would have wanted."

Wanda looked at Anastasia, the was swaying in her place at the foot of the bed, and moaned before coming up with the idea, "let's go dancing!"

Anastasia gasped and stumbled over her feet, even though she was standing in place, "okay, Alec and I went dancing once," she smiled.

Anastasia and Alec went dancing a couple months into their time together on the run from Hydra. They were passing through Germany at the time, and stopped in a city that happened to have a bar and club in it.

During their time on the run the pair had learned several things. One of the most important being blending in. If they were always on the edge of their seats and looking behind themselves after every other step, they would draw more attention than they would just being love-sick happy teenagers.

They also learned that adults questioned teenagers ages and identity often. They learned that after they had just left Russia and entered Finland when a lady at a small shop asked where their parents were, and how old they were.

It was soon after that they acquired fake identity papers, it wasn't hard for Anastasia, she technically never existed in the eyes of the government outside of Hydra.

It was a bit more complicated for Alec, especially since, as they later found out, his parents had faked his death for the insurance pay out.

They picked their names, Andrea Petrov and Alexander Ivanov, decided they would still be from Russia, choosing to be from Moscow, and then choosing their birthdate.

Alec simply changed the month, Alexander's birthday was January 6th.

Anastasia never knew her birthday exactly, it was hard to keep track of the dates when living in a cell, but she knew the guards would give her an extra piece of bread during the spring time and they said to her, "Вы сейчас на год старше. You are not one year older."

The two made Andrea's birthday to be May 12, five days after they said Anastasia's birthday would be, on May 7th. They made sure their paperwork made them out to be older than eighteen.

Once they had their fake IDs, in Germany the legal drinking age is 18, and Alec wanted to relax.

Anastasia had seen families during her time being forced to serve Hydra, she had seen men beat their families after they drank from the bottles, but once she sat on the stool next to Alec and had a few glasses, she knew exactly why they liked it.

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