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                                 Anakin Skywalker, the son of the late former slave, Shmi Skywalker and Jedi Knight. Anakin was too once a slave and was a boy when Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn arrived on his home of Tatooine. Qui-Gon, who believed Anakin to be the chosen one, freed the young boy and took him with him to Coruscant. There, Anakin was assessed by the Jedi Council, who determined him to be too old for training. Qui-Gon, a maverick at heart, decided to take Anakin as his padawan, even though he himself had a padawan under the name Obi-Wan Kenobi. The current Queen of Naboo, Padme Amidala, decided to return to Naboo, after fleeing from the planet which was now occupied by Neimoidian Viceroy Nute Gunray and his army of battle droids.

                                  Skywalker accompanied them back to Naboo, where he aided in the destruction of the Droid control ship orbiting the planet in an N1 Starfighter. Though the battle had been won, it wasn't without loss. During the battle to retake Theed Palace, Padme launched a fire fight with battle droids in the halls, while Jinn and Kenobi engaged in an intense lightsaber duel with Sith Lord Darth Maul. Maul, a Dathomirian Zabrak with red skin and black tattoos all over his body, managed to gain the upper hand in a battle with Qui-Gon before impaling him on one end of his saberstaff. Obi-Wan, who witnessed this, fought ferociously against the Sith Lord, managing to cut Maul's saberstaff and almost lost his own life, but rather lost his lightsaber, when the Sith kicked it down the shaft that Kenobi almost fell into, but saved himself. Maul was defeated when the Jedi summoned his master's weapon to his hand and cut the Sith in half.

                                   Following the events, Obi-Wan would honor Qui-Gon's dying wish to train Skywalker. Even if he wasn't going to get permission from the Council, Kenobi didn't hesitate to honor his master's wish. Grand Master Yoda however related to Kenobi that he would be given permission to train Anakin. By 22 BBY, Anakin had grown and became a padawan under Obi-Wan's tutelage. He had found himself in conflict with his feelings for the now Senator Amidala, as it was forbidden for Jedi to have families or form attachments. He also traveled to check on his mother, only to have her die in his arms, after having found her in a camp owned by the Sand People. In a fit of rage and sadness, the young padawan slaughtered the sand people, but returned with her body, giving her a proper burial. Following Obi-Wan's capture by Count Dooku and members of the CIS, Skywalker and Amidala headed for Geonosis to aid Kenobi, only to be captured as well.

                                    With the aid of their fellow Jedi, as well as reinforcements of the Clone Army, both Jedi and the Senator were freed and fought bravely in the first battle for Geonosis. This sparked the iconic conflict between the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Galactic Republic, known to many as the Clone Wars. The war lasted from 22 BBY, to 19 BBY. At the war's end, Chancellor Sheev Palpatine had revealed the Skywalker that he was in fact the same Sith Lord the Council was seeking, which caused several Jedi to spring into action. Palpatine killed all but Mace Windu, who managed to gain the upper hand on the Sith before Anakin intervened. The young Jedi knight had taken up his own weapon against Windu, slicing his hand right off, which took his lightsaber with it. Windu was sent flying out the window, broken in the fight between himself and Palpatine. With Windu presumed dead, Anakin had become Palpatine's new apprentice.

                                    Now a sith called Darth Vader, Anakin was now tasked with the extermination of the Jedi at the temple, which he didn't do alone. With an entire brigade of the 501st Legion at his back, the Jedi at the temple were slaughtered, both through Anakin's lightsaber and the DC-15S blasters issued to the Clones. Palpatine had issued messages to other members of the Clone army, ordering them to execute Order 66. Order 66 was a protocol put in place during the production of the clone army, through organic chips placed in the clone's brain, which would cause them to turn on the Jedi when the time came. Most clones followed this order without question, however there were some that either didn't get the message, or simply refused to follow it. Others like Captain Rex and his men had their chips removed to ensure they wouldn't succumb to the mind control.

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