Chapter 9

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                               While in hyperspace, on their way to Spira, Luke set the ship to auto-pilot and sat back in his chair, a bit lost in thought. "You alright darling?" Leia asked her husband, leading him to look at Leia. "Yes, of course love. Why do you ask?" Luke asked her. Leia looked at Luke and said, "Well you seem kinda quiet honey". "I'm fine Leia, just lost in thought is al......." Luke said, however was interrupted, as he sensed something. What he could sense, seemed to have been coming from Spira, though he couldn't exactly tell what it was at the time. Leia turned to him again, this time she was concerned at what made her husband stop in the middle of a sentence like that. "What is it?" Leia asked once more, which Luke responded with, "I sense something. A strange presence.". Leia had felt what he was feeling as well and even she couldn tell what it was, despite their powers. "Something's wrong. We should contact the Executor and have them sent to Spira" Luke said to Leia. Though Leia found it a bit excessive, she couldn't agree more.

                             Luke sat back in his chair and contacted the Executor and heard from the captain. "Yes Lord Skywalker. Is there anything you require?" the captain asked Luke as he showed up on the holo emitter from the ship's main controls. "Yes, have the Executor plot a course to Spira immediately. I feel we're gonna need her guns" Luke said to him. The captain simply nodded and said, "As you wish my lord". The holoterminal shut down and they continued their journey to Spira. As they journeyed through hyperspace, a beeping noise was heard, indicating that they were coming up to their destination. Luke cut the hyperdrive and switched to sub-light engines, which showed as the wormhole they were flying through dissipate and the stars in front of them shot back in place amongst the galaxy, far from their location. The planet also appeared several kilometers from their ship, as well as something unexpected. As Luke and Leia looked at the planet, they saw what looked like a ship from their own Imperial Navy. The ship had the appearance of an Imperial I-Class Star Destroyer, but was significantly much bigger than the mentioned vessel.

                             Though the ship was Imperial in nature, the siblings knew that this vessel wasn't one of their vessels. "What the hell is that?" Leia asked out, which Luke replied, "Not one of ours.". As they got a closer look, they noticed that underneath the ship was what looked like a massive axial cannon of sorts. They didn't know how strong the ship was, but in the T4 shuttle they were flying, they didn't want to risk getting the attention of the ship before reinforcements arrived. "Leia can we get a scan on that ship and see what we can learn from it?" Luke asked Leia, which she only responded with, "We can try, but we'd need to get close". Getting in would be rather dangerous, however Luke had their shuttle outfitted with a cloaking device, which he engaged and moved the ship in close for Leia to get a readout. "Alright well we should be getting a result any minute.....Hmmm." Leia said to Luke, which concerned Luke. "What do you mean by Hmmm?" Luke asked her, which she didn't answer, at least not for a few seconds.

                          "Either the scanner is broken or from the readout on this ship's hull is approximately 40 years old." Leia said. Hearing this, even Luke was a bit bewildered at this, considering star destroyers used by the Empire didn't begin until after 0 ABY. "How is that possible?" Luke asked, which Leia looked at in bewilderment as well. "I don't know" Leia responded to Luke and as they looked at the ship, a fast beeping noise was heard from their console. This sound wasn't like the previous noise, as this one indicated another vessel coming out of hyperspace. Within moments, the Executor dropped out of hyperspace and into sub-light. From the chatter over comms, Luke and Leia could hear the captain of their massive flagship call out to the strange vessel. "Unidentified vessel, this is the Executor. Identify yourself immediately" the captain said with an assertion in his voice. No answer came from the other vessel and Luke got their shuttle out of range.

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