Chapter 4

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                                    Once Luke and Leia had completed their goal on Korriban, they ordered the Executor to set a course for Yavin IV, where they would engage the resistance. As the ship engaged hyperspace, both siblings headed back to their room for some relaxation before a battle. Once again, both had begun making love like this did before. Only this time, Leia was on top of her brother and remained there. As she continued bucking her hips on his cock, Luke lost it and Leia's body welcomed his seed into her once again. This time, she collapsed to the side of him, completely removing herself from off his cock. She layed on her side, but her head was facing up and she was breathing heavily. "Are you okay my lover?" Luke asked her, which she replied with, "Yes brother. I just need to catch my breath". "Well I am getting worried that I am wearing you out" Luke said to her, cupping one of her breasts. "Luke you never wear me out brother. Besides, I enjoy when we are together like this. It's very..... Stimulating" she replied to him.

                                 Luke began kissing her lips and holding her, then said 3 words that even Leia didn't think she'd hear from Luke, "I love you". Leia looked at him with a surprising, but happy look on her face. "Are you alright sis?" Luke asked her, to which she smiled and nodded. "I just.... Never heard you say that to anyone before. Not even Mara" Leia replied. Luke smiled back and he said with a serious tone in his voice, "That's because Mara doesn't satisfy me the way you do and she's not the one I wish to make my bride". Leia looked at him and began chuckling a little bit, only to look back into his eyes and realize, he wasn't kidding. Her smile slowly left her face and her face made the 'are you serious?' look. With that, she said, "Are you certain?" and Luke nodded. "What about mother and father? What are they going to say?" Leia asked him and Luke placed his hand on her cheek. "I don't care what they say. Ever since we started our relationship, it's been nothing but bliss. Besides if I want to become the next in line for the throne, I want you to be by my side, as my equal" Luke said.

                                Leia's thoughts began racing through her mind and she needed a moment to process everything. She looked up for a second and then back at Luke. "You want me as an equal?" Leia asked her brother, to which she replied, "Yes, I want to make decisions with you and hopefully, begin a family" Luke said to her. "Oh Luke. I would be more than happy to be your wife and equal" Leia replied to her and began kissing him in celebration of their engagement. "Do you think mother and father know about us?" Leia asked him, and Luke looked in thought. "Perhaps, but who cares now?" Luke replied. Leia smirked at him and began kissing him again. Both then cuddled with each other and Luke was kissing Leia's neck. "Want to go again before Yavin?" Luke asked her and Leia replied with, "Patience my love. We'll do it again once we return". Luke looked at her and smiled, "Damn you are one hell of a catch Leia" Luke said to her and kissed her once more.

                                15 minutes after their sexual encounter, Luke and Leia showered together and dressed for their invasion of Yavin IV. Once they were finished, the ship dropped out of hyperspace and was now orbiting their target. Luke and Leia went onto the bridge and demanded a report. "Lord and Lady Skywalker, we have located the enemy base. It's located in an ancient structure." An officer said to them. "Good, begin sending in troops. We'll also be accompanying them down there" Luke replied. An officer nodded and both siblings headed for their shuttle. This time, they were accompanied by several troops and also Leia was flying. She jetted out of the hangar and unfolded the wings of the ship and entered the atmosphere, following the troop transports. The troops landed somewhere away from the base, so that way they could advance and keep their ships from being blown apart by enemy turrets. The troops began running towards the sound of blaster fire and explosions.

                              Luke and Leia ran along with their troops and found a small outpost of enemy combatants. Luke signaled the troops on his side around to the side to flank them, as did Leia. Luke lifted his hand over the cover, counting from 5-1 and then giving them the signal to engage. Not 1 second later, there was the sound of blaster fire, hitting resistance fighters. Some of their troops got hit as well, but Luke and Leia ignited their lightsabers and began killing off resistance troopers one by one. With each enemy dead, Luke, Leia and their squad ran towards the base, where they found little resistance nearby. As they made their way to the base, they noticed several of their walkers entering the fray with resistance fighters. AT-ST walkers were lightly armored walkers, mostly used for areas an AT-AT is incapable of moving. Their weapons were excellent against things like infantry and taking down some other walkers and artillery. Against an AT-AT however, there's not really much protecting one from annihilation. It was then that Luke and Leia ran in with their weapons drawn and started slaughtering any enemy troops nearest to them.

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