Chapter 5

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                                 Within the next few days, the servants at the citadel on Coruscant prepared the massive palace for the wedding of the prince and princess. Leia was with Padme, preparing her wedding dress and Luke was with Anakin, preparing him in his ceremonial robes and armor. At the same time, both were going over their plan with the parent they were with to capture Ahsoka. Their plan involved Anakin being their justice of the peace for the wedding and it was going to be broadcasted to all of the Imperial controlled systems. This would get the attention of the resistance and likely cause them to come to Coruscant and launch an attack on the citadel to kill Anakin. Unfortunately for the resistance, Anakin wouldn't be physically there, but a droid disguised as him. It would serve as the voice of Anakin, who would be speaking through it via microphone from the safety of the Death Star. Padme would attend the wedding, however in the guise of a handmaiden to ensure nobody sought her out as a hostage.

                                  Padme suggested the idea for the droid Anakin could use as she once did the same thing to a BD-3000 luxury droid to deliver a speech on Alderaan. This was during the event where bounty hunter and mercenary Aurra Sing was paid by Ziro the Hutt to kill her for placing him in prison. Despite her wounded shoulder, Padme gave the speech with the droid standing in as her, dressed in her clothes and spoke through a microphone. This was her way of ensuring her husband's safety, while also performing the ceremony on Coruscant. Anyone who would be willing to take a shot at her husband, would only be destroying the droid in the process. The night before the wedding, Luke transported down to the citadel, while Leia remained on the Executor, as it was bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding. Padme remained on board with her as well, while Anakin remained aboard the Death Star. C-3P0 and R2-D2 were with Luke, preparing his wardrobe for the next day. "Um.. Master Luke?" Threepio asked Luke, which he replied by turning to him and responding, "Yes Threepio?".

                                  "Um... I wanted to congratulate you and Mistress Leia on your wedding" Threepio said to him. Luke smiled and he responded, "Thank you Threepio". Skywalker was looking over a status report on the construction of the droid needed for Anakin. "Hey Threepio. Have you ever met Ahsoka Tano?" Luke asked the golden protocol droid on the other side of the room. Threepio turned to him and said, "I don't recall sadly Master Luke". "Why do you ask sir?" Threepio asked him, which Luke looked up at the droid. "Well to be truthful, she was apparently father's padawan during the Clone Wars and now she is working with the resistance" Luke said to him, looking over the guard reports. "Oh, well I don't believe I have met her" Threepio said to Luke. With the wedding commencing tomorrow morning, Luke needed to ensure that the place looked as guarded as possible to fool the resistance, should they attack. The propaganda department was responsible for broadcasting the news of the wedding all over the holonet, which definitely would get the attention of any resistance members watching.

                                    While Luke looked over the security for tomorrow, Leia was up aboard the Executor, looking out the window, with a glass of champagne in her hand, looking at the 4 moons in Coruscant's orbit. "Leia?" Padme called to her daughter, which she turned to when Padme said it. "Yes?" Leia responded with, taking a sip of her drink. "Are you alright?" Padme asked her, taking a sip after asking. "Yeah, just excited is all" Leia replied to her and Padme cracked a half-smile at this. "I know the feeling. Did I ever tell you how your father and I married?" Padme asked her. Leia smiled and walked over to sit down next to her, "I don't believe you did" Leia responded. "Well it happened after the start of the Clone Wars, on Geonosis. That's where your father lost his forearm in a lightsaber duel with Count Dooku ..." Padme said, only to be interrupted by Leia. "... Count Dooku?" Leia asked her, which Padme responded with, "Yes. He was once a Jedi knight, however had turned to the dark side and was leading the C.I.S during the Clone Wars". Leia nodded in an "oh" fashion and Padme continued her story. "Your father and I before then were looking at the possibility of loving one another, without the Jedi finding out" Padme said.

                                 "So the Jedi forbade marriage" Leia asked her, which Padme nodded to her daughter. "No wonder why they were so cranky and strict" Leia added, which made Padme chuckle a little. "Well anyway, we decided to take our chances and keep it a secret. We married on Naboo, my homeworld in secret." Padme said to her. "That must've been a nice wedding" said Leia, taking a sip of her champagne. "Oh it was nice, though sadly I couldn't have my parents there or anybody we knew or else they'd be telling everyone I was married to a Jedi." responded Padme. "Did anyone find out you two were married?" Leia asked her mother, who was curious. "Through Captain Panaka, one of the Royal Naboo Security Forces found out and told Chancellor Palpatine.... " Padme said, only to be interrupted again by Leia. ".... Darth Sidious" Leia said to her, which made Padme nod. "He told Palpatine and he used your father's marriage to me, as a means of taking him as an apprentice. After he killed Obi-Wan Kenobi on Mustafar however, Anakin killed Palpatine" Padme finished. "So he found no further need of Palpatine" Leia said. "Indeed. That was the Sith way. When Palpatine died, so did the Rule of 2, set forth by Darth Bane." Padme said. "A master and an apprentice" Leia answered, knowing the origin of the Sith rule of 2.

                                "Your father abolished the rule of 2 and ensured that any sith who killed to consolidate power, would die in public execution" Padme said to her. "So the Sith killed each other prior and maybe that's why Luke wants to marry me" Leia said, however Padme looked to her with concern. "No, no Leia. Luke truly loves you and desires you to be his equal when the time comes for you to ascend the throne. I see why he would take you as his wife." Padme said to her, which Leia saw the logic in her mother's words. "Clever bastard, my brother" Leia said to Padme, only which caused her to chuckle. "He is indeed a clever bastard, like his father" Padme said to her. "Well I am going to get some sleep and I'll see you tomorrow" Leia said to her mother. As Leia got up, her mother did as well and gave her a hug and kiss on the cheek. Even though Leia had matured into a radiant and powerful young woman, she was still one of Padme's babies. "Good night dear, I'll see you tomorrow." Padme said to her daughter, which Leia smiled and kissed her cheek as well. "Good night mother" Leia said to Padme and her mother left Leia's room to let her get some rest. Leia removed all of her clothes, and got into bed, closing her eyes with the thoughts of her impending wedding the next day.

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