Chapter 7

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                                  On their Luxury 3000 Space Yacht heading for Naboo on auto-pilot, Luke and Leia were in bed for the first time as husband and wife. Luke was on top of his wife, thrusting himself into her and kissing her. She couldn't help but moan and nearly scream as the pleasure became too much for her and him. Luke's seed soon found its way into his wife, like it did when they were both lovers. After consummating their marriage officially, Luke pulled himself from his wife and held her in his arms. "You are such a fantastic man." Leia said to her new husband. He smiled and replied, "And you are the most amazing woman". Both kissed and it was then that Luke sat up for a second. "What's wrong darling?" Leia asked him, which he didn't answer. The only thing he did was move to the nightstand on his side of the bed, where he pulled out a box. This box was metal, but beautiful and engraved, as well as encrusted with jewels. "This is something I thought you'd like," Luke said to her.

                               Leia looked at it and didn't know what to make of it. "What is it husband?" Leia asked him, which led him to respond with, "Open it dear". That said, Leia unlocked the front of the box and lifted up the cover. Inside was something she didn't expect. Inside was a lovely new lightsaber which Luke had taken upon himself to construct for his lovely wife. Leia gasped at the sight of it, as it was Gold and silver, with jewels encrusted into the hilt. The emitter had a skeletal-like appearance, similar to that of Luke's, but the rest was a bit thicker. The pommel had sapphires on the side, with a red gem making up the bottom piece of the pommel, as well as other gems encrusted on the hilt. Leia's face lit up with joy at the sight of this. "Luke.... This..... " she began saying, only for Luke to interrupt her. "I saw your lightsaber fell from the tower and well, I figured you could use it" Luke finished what he said. She noticed the ruby button on her new lightsaber and pressed it, which ignited the crimson blade. She looked up at the blade and couldn't be happier with her new gift. She extinguished the blade and turned to her husband, kissing him once more. "Luke my love, you have given me an amazing gift" Leia said to him, which made Luke smile and respond with, "You're welcome". This led to another session of passionate and completely aggressive sex between the newly weds.

                               As the happy couple went to Naboo, Padme and Anakin were wrapped in their own passions. "I hope Luke and Leia are alright" Padme said to her husband. Anakin looked down and assured her with, "Knowing them, I'm sure they're alright". "They're strong, thanks to us" Padme said to him, which made him smile. "Too bad you will not live to see how strong" a voice said from in the darkness. Padme and Anakin looked up to see who it was and all he could see were the infamous yellow eyes of the Sith. Anakin called his lightsaber to his hand and ignited the red blade. Padme called hers to her hand and ignited hers as well. "Reveal yourself!" Anakin demanded, as he and his wife got out of bed. It's then a lightsaber ignited a good 5 meters away from them both and both were red blades. The wielder's outline showed short horns on the figure's head, red skin and black tattoos. "I know you. You're Maul!" Anakin said to the figure, which amused the Zabrak standing there. "But I heard you were..... " Anakin began saying, only for him to interrupt the emperor. ".... Dead? Far from it I am afraid" Maul replied to him.

                             "What do you want?" Padme asked the former Sith Lord, wanting an answer as to why he came to them at this time. "I am looking for someone. You'd likely know him, Skywalker. His name is Obi-Wan Kenobi" Maul replied. "His body is on the planet of Mustafar. With a massive hole in his chest from my former lightsaber" Anakin replied to him with some pleasure in his voice. "You killed him? Now that isn't the Jedi way is it?" Maul said, trying to get him angry. "Oh I assure you Maul, I am no longer a Jedi. I renounced that faction when I became Darth Sidious' apprentice. I then took his position when I used this weapon and ran him through as well" Anakin responded. "Then I know what I must do. You robbed me of my vengeance, so now I must rob you of your life" Maul said to him, which made Anakin prepared for what the Zabrak would do next. With that, Maul went in to lunge at Anakin's torso, only for the former Jedi to simply move to his side and parry his attack. Padme then jumped in and went in for a killing blow, however Maul was able to deflect her purple blade with his own red one.

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