Mammon's Myths

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After coming home from school Mammon approaches you.

"Yo! Can I have 50 grim?" Mammon asks.

"What no!" I say.

"Come on MC! Please~?" He asks.

"No I need it, Beelzebub is cooking today and I would like to have something to eat. And something that he hadn't eaten parts of while it was still in the oven, so I'm eating out tonight." I state.

"I'm comming with you. I dont have money tho. So pay for me would ya?" He commands

"Ugh! I'll buy you a burger or something, nothing big. Let's go." I say not trusting him with any kind of grim.

"I suppose that'll work." He says. We walk to the nearby restaurant. I get three burgers. One for me and the two for Mammon because I dont want him asking for more.

We eat our food and leave, me paying full price. While eating it had gotten dark. "Hey come with me MC I wanna show you something." He says. I follow him and he leads me to an old firepit in the 'woods' in Devildom.

"Woah, what is this place?" I ask.

"A place for people to tell spooky stories all night." Mammon says. He then pulls put the three items you expect to see at a firepit, chocolate, marshmallows, and gram crackers. He also starts the fire to keep us warm.

"So are we camping out here tonight then?" I ask.

"Duh!" Mammon replys. He starts to make s'mores and somehow, only one sleeping bag appears.

I take a s'more. "Mmm, thanks." I say while taking a bite.

"Now in to the best part, the stories!" Mammon says. I expect him to start off with a kinda scary one but instead.

"Alright let's watch these videos! I had Levi pick them out so they're bound to be at least a little spooky." He says. I sigh, I should've expected that.

It starts with small conspiracies, to more advanced ones. Mammon, being a big scaredy-cat clings to me. I soon also get a little scared. Soon the videos turn to ghost stories based off true events to actual real ghost stories.

Soon we find ourselves shivering by the fire scared out of our minds.

We get into the sleeping bag, holding eachother tightly because neither of us want to get eaten by ghosts and other monsters.


"Ahh!!" I yell.

"WHAT! W-WHO'S THERE!?" Mammon yells.

We hug tighter.


"Ahh!" I yell again.

"I-its going to be okay MC it's probably an animal."

"Are there wild animals in Devildom?!"

"I mean what else could that be." He says, still shaking.

We both dive under the sleeping bag clinging tighter.

"Shh it's okay." Mammon says.

"B-but-" I start but get cut off by Mammons soft lips. "If anything bad happens I want you to know how much I love you MC." Mammon says.

I look him in his eyes, that I can barely see in the sleeping bag. "I-i love you too Mammon." I say and kiss his sweet lips again. He, somehow, pulls me closer to him and kisses my head.

"As long as we're together, nothing can hurt us." He says. I listen to his fast heart beat, it starts to slow and I fall asleep in his arms. "I wont let anyone else have you." He says then falls asleep.


I wake up in Mammon's arms, the same as I fell asleep. He was still sleeping so I just closed my eyes and wated for him. I continued to listen to his wonderful heartbeat. A bit had passed when he did wake up. I think he had noticed what position we were in and went red. He tried to move but I hugged him close pretending to be asleep still.

"Ummmm! MC get up." He whispered.

"Mmm nooo~" I whispered back. I think he found out that I wasn't asleep.

"If you dont get up I'll kiss you." He said. I started to feel myself blush and I tried to hold it back.

"Nooo~" I said lazily.

"Ok then-" he said as he plowed his lips onto mine.

"Mmm" I moan a bit and he slides his tongue into my mouth.

"So you are awake." He says while still kissing me. He explores my whole mouth before pulling away. "Y'know there a myth in this forest." He says.

We exit the sleeping bag, still in our clothes from yesterday.

"And what would that be?" I ask.

"Well it goes like this..." He starts.

"When two lover's, not fake ones but real lovers, enter this forest and tell stories late at night, they will hear a noise related to the said stories.

If the lovers are to kiss after hearing the noise, their hearts will be forever intertwined." He finished.

"So what your saying is, that me and you, are soulmates? And we will be together forever?" I ask.

"Yes. B-but of course it's just a myt-" he tried to say but I cut him off.

"That's fantastic!!" I yell. "I ment what I said. I. Love. You. Mammon!" I give him another kiss. He blushed like crazy.

"I love you too MC, forever and always." He give me a big kiss, that leads to a full on make-out.

We arrive home.

"Well if it isn't the two that missed curfew." We heard while entering. Lucifer.

"Heyyyyyy bro. How are ya?" Mammon says trying to change the topic, he fails.

"Where were you two? If MC got hurt Diavolo would have my head, then yours." He states.

"Don't worry Luce, Mammon's incharge of looking out for me remember. I was perfectly safe at all times." I say giving Lucifer a nickname.

"...right. but don't do it ever again, understood?!" He raised his voice.

"Ay, ay captain." Mammon says.

"Yes sir-e" I say.

"Good. Now go get some breakfast, knowingMammon you haven't already." He says.

We go and eat some pancakes laughing and giggling when we make eye-contact. We actually got out a big lecture from Lucifer.


Sorry it's kinda short. Idk what to write for Mammon, since he's a tsundere.

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