Chapter 1: Welcome to Hawaii

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Narrator's pov

Kashish was excited to go for her honeymoon to the tropical land of Hawaii. After so much planning from the wedding and on top of that, their stressful work concerns, it was a good time for recess. Kashish was over excited to be finally spending quality time with her hubby.

Well, they do spend quality time every day at the police station but their minds are focused elsewhere. Now it'll be time to be engrossed in each other for a change.

However, Jaywant on the other hand was in another state of mind. A few days ago just after the wedding, he was summoned to handle a very important and sensitive case which Kashish is assisting him with. Since it deals with a part of his personal life he dwelled on it and tried to keep a lookout on anything suspicuous.

"I can't believe it!!" Kashish tightly squeezed Jaywant in a hug which bothered him slightly because the weather was extremely hot. "We're finally married!! Can you?"

"No, I would've never thought I'd marry an insane woman." He playfully teased but also he wasn't exactly in a mood to joke. The job was killing him and plus being a new groom adds to his misery. He knew Kashish had some expectations that any new bride will have.

"Insane? Is that what you really think about me?!" She asks defensively. They reach the gate to board. After his long silence she replies. "I'm starting to think you're getting deaf..."

"Just go!!"

"Fine!! You arrogant piece of-"

"Piece of WHAT!!??" She doesn't reply and bite her lip to contain her uncontrollable mouth as she ran forward to board first.

---In plane---

Kashish and Jaywant settles and wait for take off. Kashish chirped about all the fun things they would do in Hawaii. She prepared a checklist for their adventures.

"Are you still not listening to me!!?" She asks and Jaywant still didn't pay any attention. It was starting to irritate her and not on a playful level. "Fine, look out the window the whole if you don't have a beautiful wife!!"

"Can you be silent for even a second? I'm begging you!!" He folded his hands in a beg and she rolls her eyes.

"It makes me wonder how long our marriage will last since you can't even handle MY VOICE!!" She said in anger.

Kashish knew his mood swings sometimes but this was too much. "Oh please...just Shsh!!"

"Don't shush me!!"

Just a minute before take off, a handsome dude happened to board the plane. Kashish saw him look her way, the look was a pleasing one and she couldn't deny that he is indeed a handsome piece of man. Jaywant looked out the window and didn't notice this or else he'd teach her a very damned lesson.

Kashish immediately had an idea. She thought of teasing Jaywant because she knew how possessive and protective he was of her. Surprisingly the stud sat next to her making the mission easier for her.

Kashi's pov

If Jaywant is going to be stuck up, he better be prepared for the consequences of it!! I thought confessing our love was a challenge but, hell, it's been less than 24 hours and he's acting up. This shall do some good....

"Hi, I'm Kashish." I extended my hand to the man next to me.

"Hello beautiful..." The man said and that made Jaywant immediately turn his head to us. Victory already! "I'm Dev."

Jaywant was baffled so he had to intervene. "Excuse you-"

"Do you know him?" Dev cuts in and asks me.

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