Chapter 7: Celebrations

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Commissioner: Kashish, Jaywant...good job both of you. You both have excellent team work and this will bless your marriage.

Kashish: Thank you, Sir.

Jaywant: Thanks for all your help sir. With your permission I'd like to stay in the investigating department.

Commissioner: Ofcourse. You've earned it.

Jaywant: But under one condition...I'd like Kashish to take back her position as the head of the department.

Kashish: Jaywant you don't have to-

Commissioner: I agree. Kashish is the star to putting this case to rest. Congratulations on getting your post back, Mrs Kashish.

Kashish: Thank you, Sir.

Commissioner: You guys deserve to celebrate. We'll head out soon so we don't disturb your honeymoon. And Kashi?

Kashish: Yes, sir?

Commissioner: Put some clothes on.

With gathering the criminal and finding the evidence, Kashish forgot that she was just wearing a corset the whole time. Even Jaywant forgot, cursing the situation of the moment.

Kashish: Oh know in Hawaii the lesser the clothes you wear, the more people find you sexier.

Commissioner: Oh really? That's cool.

Commissioner walks away taking off his jacket and shirt.

"Oh my God! Did you see that? He actually believed me." Kashish laughed.

Jaywant stared what her with anger. "Put your fucking coat on!!" He said to her making her run to cover up her body.

"'s over." Kashi said sadly.

___Back to their room___

While Kashish changed her clothes, Jaywant pops open a bottle of champagne. Kashi right away took a glass after wearing a but more decent clothes.

"To closing cases and finally getting Gia the justice she deserves." They toasted.

"That's 3 quarters of the justice. The court case still depends on it." Jaywant said, worrying about that now.

Kashish didn't want him to stress any longer. "Its definitely in our favour." She reassured him.

"Yes, atleast we have the evidence and recordings."

"Yeah, that was handy." She says drifting off onto a thought and sipping up the bubbly.

"Real handy!!" Jaywant slams his drink down on the counter with anger.

"What's wrong-"

"BDSM!!? CHOKING???" Jaywant stared at her with the most anger he ever held.

Kashish's cheeks flushes. "Uhm sweetheart...that's-wait a minute!" She stopped realizing something. "If you had all left the camera room when I was still cuffed, how did you know about my BDSM trick?"

"I..." Jaywant caresses her cheek and touches her hoop earring. "I've installed a microphone in your earrings-"

"You what!!!!? Jaywant!!! How could you!!?" Kashish now gets angry, shoving off his hand. "How can you not trust me!!? I know this was all a set up but still-"

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I just wanted to make sure you're safe all the time." He admitted his fear.

"I can't believe that I've been deceived. I haven't been wearing earrings for the past year but microphones. And to think it had become my favourite." Kashish expresses her disbelief.

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