Chapter 6: Kashi the Heroine

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Narrator's pov

Kashish's jaw dropped. She had knew it.

"You're joking right?" Kashish says trying not to blow her cover. She laughs saying, "Dev, you really know how to get a girl to smile again. Thank you so much for sharing that. Now I should go-" Kashish woke up to leave but Dev pulled her back onto him.

Dev's eyebrow raises. "So soon? Baby, stay a little longer." Dev tells her charmingly but Kashish fills up with rage. She wish she could get her gun out now. "I just shared you my biggest now I want you to show me how well you are at keeping secrets. I'm sure you're an expert anyways...sneaking away from your husband to come to me. Brave woman." Dev charmed her and Kashish smiled.

No way the cover is getting it's time for her to get her own cover out of the way. She pushes Dev on the bed and straddles him.

"What do you know..." Kashish gets rid of her coat and shows off her lingerie. This one a more modest corset compared to the other. She was now on camera and couldn't afford than.

"I love that you waste no time and is so down to business..."

"I like it that way! You know since I like...hardly get control-" She's cut off and Dev flips her over.

"Oh no!! We're going in now!!" Jaywant says, sensing trouble.


"Got all your information? Or will you strip to get some more out of me?"

Kashi clenches her fist with anger trying to keep the storm in. "What are you talking about?"

"Oh c'mon!! Mrs Drama Queen....or should I say Officer Kashish from Dehli crime branch!!" Dev ruthlessly pulls her hair and Kashish groans.

"Get your fucking hands off me!!" She fought but Dev quickly snatched the cuffs that hung lightly on top of Kashish's corset, using it to bind Kashish to the bed.

"You know I give you credit...Gia never fought that well for her life. Maybe that's why I didn't have a problem slitting her damn throat!!" Dev screams into Kashish's face.

"I'm going to kill him!!!"

"No Jaywant!! Control!! We have to arrest him!!" The commissioner warned.

"I don't give a- I'm going. Team let's go. We need to protect Kashi before that damn asshole gets his hands on her."

"Or maybe it's because you're such a weak and pathetic man!!!" Kashi fought back and Dev holds her jaw.

Dev sighs in disgust. "If you knew that lowly woman you would eat your words!!"

"Why?" Kashi asked. "Gia was innocent-"

"She was a whore!!"

"Hurry, up!! We have to capture this asshole now!!" Jaywant promted trying to quickly reach Kashi, stomping with anger. This man won't hurt 2 of his women. He unfortunately couldn't protect Gia but he'll do everything to protect Kashish.

"Then why would you love her so much?" Kashish asked.

"Why does it matter now? I'm not telling you that-".

"Because a weak man doesn't have the balls to admit the truth-"

Dev clenches her throat now. "Because she cheated on me!! I was going to make her a star!! She was going to be the world's youngest singing sensation-but she...she ran after your fucking husband!!"

Kashish shrieks with pain, trying to get hold of shock. Dev searches the cupboard. "No way...Jaywant would've-" Kashish was now confused...was Gia tricking Jaywant all along?

"Your husband claims to be a policeman but knows nothing! If Gia didn't tell him then I'm sure she was guilty...I knew she loved me more." Dev says with a sad tone. Kashi thinking what the hell... "That's why she had to die! And her mafia family took the blame because they're all pieces of shit! I hate the way they treated Gia..."

"As if you did any less-"

He emerges back from the cupboard with speed and a belt. "I was going to give her the life she deserved!! Now why will a sane woman ditch that destiny!!!?" Dev shouts.

Maybe because you're INSANE!! Any woman would leave....Kashi thought.

"I'll give you an easy death." Dev wraps a belt around his wrist.

Kashish laughs thinking about something. "Is that your idea of hurting me? Newsflash...I can fake the girly stuff, but BDSM...arouses me too damn much."

What the fuck is she saying!! Jaywant could still hear everything between them on the way he got to the room. Only that jolted him to reality. Hearing Gia's fate caused him to stop and ponder for a bit. He's still full of questions. He worries if he had known Gia at all...

"I should've realised that...since you're a cop." Dev smirks. "If I may...then lets make your death pleasureful..."

"If you would fuck me and choke me I'd take that!"

Wait a she stalling because she knows I'm coming to get her. If she continues this I will really punish her BDSM style, you wait and watch Mrs Kashish!! Jaywant bolted further with his fury.

Dev touches Kashish's lips and Kashish sensually responds. She didn't care now if she was caught out, she knew exactly what to do to save herself.

"There's one thing I've always wanted...your lips." Dev says, caressing her.

"Then be a man and take it!!" Kashish encourages, with her winning seductive smile.

Dev kneels down to kiss her and as smart as Kashish is...and naughty...she had playfully caught Dev's lower lip with her teeth smooth at first but suddenly bit it really hard and knee'd his chest causing him to jerk away in pain.

"What the fuck-you-" Kashish cuts him off by breaking free from the cuffs and quickly getting out her gun from her corset.

"Freeze, you heartless asshole!!" She points her gun in place.

Dev puts his hands up but tries to move to Kashish took the glass jug of water and flung it with a burst on his head. Dev falls to the ground in pain. Kashish immediatrly steps on his neck with her high stilettos, almost killing him.

Dev tries to speak. "How did you-"

"Oh, I'm sorry did you think you're a master of BDSM? Clearly you're not because I escaped!! Maybe that's why Gia left your stinking guts!!!"

Dev grabs her ankle but Kashi drags her sharp Stilleto heel over his neck.

"You want to stay alive, right? Or would you rather die with a last glance of your MISTRESS!! I bet I look sexy from that angle..." Losing his control Dev let's go of her ankle. "I thought so."

Dev still persists. "You'll pay...for-"

"OH MY GOD, KASHI ARE YOU OKAY!!?" Jaywant finally bursts through the door. He grabs her and kisses Kashish's forehead.

"Never been better! What took you so long...I could've changed my mind to be this asshole's mistress willingly." Kashish does a dramatic hair flip, luring Jaywant.

But he still hasn't forgotten her so-called-drama up in here with Dev. "You're not getting away with this!! I'll get you later. BUT NOW-" Before Jaywant completes what he says he picks Dev by the collar wanting to take a punch and kick and every violent action against. But Dev was out of state.

"No use sweetheart, he's as dead as a dodo...for now." Kashish said, disappointing him a little.

Jaywant arrests Dev and the team searched for the evidence, successfully finding it. Just then the commissioner arrives, ensuring they are all safe and Dev is taken away.

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