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Sad eyes across the skies;
That's what I first saw when you caught my eye;
Don't know how it happened;
Don’t know why;
Can’t stop even though I try;
You’re long gone now;
Far far away from me;
I watched your casket bury;
In the bottom of my heart;
Yet I still feel your ghosts;
Your voice echoing in my thoughts;
I can’t sleep at night;
When you stand in my doorstep;
My stomach a graveyard;
Of the butterflies that once screamed;
I’ll get reminded every now and then;
The electricity in my fingers;
The way I seemed to forget to pull the trigger;
I yearn for something dead;
Eager for a love never having existed;
Like moving with a decapitated limb;
I know I'm in pain;
But I don’t know where;
Your name follows me everywhere;
Traces of her always behind you;
I can’t wait for the day;
When you no longer linger;
Would the hurt vanish?
Or will it only fade into the darkness;
Not gone not present;
Just a constant fear I hide in the back of my mind.

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