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"Shu, wake up!"

"Whattimeisit?" he mumbled, cracking his eyelids. Suoh's blurry face floated above him. His hearing was distorted, but it didn't sound like there was anyone in his house. Rare.


"Are you kidding?" He shot to his feet, immediately regretting it when pain flashed through his head, making him collapse. Why had he been sleeping on the couch, of all places? "Why didn't you wake me up?"

"I just got here now." Suoh pulled him up. He nodded his thanks, swaying slightly. "You're lucky it's me and not Phi. I don't think he would let you hear the end of it."

Shu decided not to respond, instead heading to his room to get out of yesterday's clothes. "I'm going to go train." He hesitated, then added, "You're welcome to join me."

A dull ache pounded through his skull, and he clenched his teeth to keep from swearing. If there was one thing besides the heat flashes he couldn't stand, it was headaches.

When he turned, Suoh was standing in his doorway. His face was absolutely calm, but his red-and-black aura was glowing.

This couldn't be good.

"Do you want to tell me why you're hung over right now?"

Shit, he hated being right.

"I... don't know what you're talking about." Suoh followed him into the bathroom, where he scowled at his messy reflection. Shu filled up the sink and dumped his head underwater. The other albino jumped back to dodge the spray of water when he violently shook his head.

"Please don't do that."

"Then stay out of my house next time."

Ignoring that, the Salamander blader asked again, "Why the hell are you hung over?"

"I don't know what you mean."

Suoh cracked a grin. "Oh please. Don't even bother trying that." He frowned. "Valt?"

Shu went absolutely still.

It'd been a month since he'd spoken to Free, and Valt now knew he was breaking up with him. He took it surprisingly well, even offered to be his friend still. Getting friend-zoned after a breakup still sucked, though. Even if it was him that initiated the breakup. Valt seemed sad, but okay with it when Shu agreed to still be friends.

He'd stayed around for a few more days, making sure Valt was doing alright. He was talking with Free more, and seemed genuinely happy.

During the first week of being in Spain, Phi seemed to be aware of his plans. Phi seemed hesitant to leave, but after getting so many weird stares, eagerly rushed back. Suoh and Hartes had gone to France immediately after. Apparently, Suoh had wanted to see the Eiffel Tower, and Hartes was content to follow.

Shu vaguely remembered the last night, when his body had a heat flash so bad he blacked out. Trying to steady himself, he drained half a bottle without even realizing it, then proceeded to pass out on the couch. Very undignifed and stupid to leave himself open like that. Especially when everyone else on the floor could get into the apartment at will.

So maybe having that many shots hadn't been such a good idea.

"Yeah," Shu relented, tying back his hair and considering it in the mirror. "Your point?"

Suoh reappeared at the door, holding a bottle of vodka. "This thing is half empty!"

Shu untied his hair and twisted a braid on the left side.

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