Chapter 1: Acknowledgement

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Sanem was making cai and thinking of her Albatross and didn't see the leggy, model looking woman walk right by straight to Can's office. Sanem approached with Can's cai and noticed long legs and high heels standing behind Can. She stumbled forward and looked up to see a stunningly, beautiful woman with her hands on Can's shoulders and immediately thought, "damn that must be Polen so why does she have her hands on my man? " Have you no shame, woman?" She looked at her but couldn't bring herself to smile. The "woman" smirked at Sanem and said "Can aren't you going to introduce me to this " tea girl"? Can stood up abruptly and moved towards Sanem while saying "Polen this is Sanem and she is more than a tea girl here". Sanem smiled up at Can and reached her hand out to Polen. Polen just glared at her and "shooed" her out saying that she and Can had "some catching up to do". Sanem just swallowed hard and said, " I'm sure you do, but we have work to do" and promptly sat down in the chair she had designated as hers over the last few weeks. Can covered his smile and echoed Sanem's words. Polen said "okay dear then I guess I will just see you at home later." Sanem looked up at this, stared at Can and waited for him to respond. After a few tense seconds of Can glancing back and forth between the two, he told Polen that since they were broken up she needed to stay in a hotel as he wasn't comfortable with her being at his house. Polen pouted and said " but Can I always stay with you". At this point, Sanem was becoming more agitated at every word and look from Polen. Sanem stood up, placed her hand on Polen's back and kind of pushed her out of the office door all the while telling her about hotels that she could stay in. All this time Can just watched but said nothing and when Sanem walked back into the office she called him out on it. "Well what the hell was up with that, you didn't say anything about us?" Can said " I told her she could not stay at my house, I didn't feel that I needed to say more". Sanem responded with " oh really?"

Sanem and Can dived into loads of work that awaited them but Sanem's mind was never far from wondering if Can would want to meet with Polen at the end of their long day. Can could sense that Sanem had something on her mind because she was quiet and normally she never stopped talking. He decided to take the chance and ask her what she was thinking about. Can said "Sanem, love is there something you're thinking of or wanting to share with me? You are being awfully quiet and agreeable with these campaigns, and this is not usually the case." Sanem stopped looking at the file in front of her, put her pen down, looked him in the eyes and said, "I think we should tell everyone about us, I mean we love one another right? " Can smiled and said "we do, but what changed your mind, beloved?" Sanem said, " to be honest, Polen and I think we can start with telling her first." Can said "okay, I"ll ask her to dinner and we can go together and tell her so she knows that we are not happening ever again". Sanem gave Can her beautiful smile the one that could ruin any man, especially him and kissed him soundly on the lips.

Polen waited at the table at the hotel restaurant, she made sure she was dressed in her shortest dress and highest heels, and her make- up was perfect for Can. She knew he had told her that they were "over and done" but she also knew they had a history and she had always been able to get him back when he had said this before. She was twisting her napkin and sipping her white wine when she saw Can approach. She stood and smiled in his direction, thinking " damn he looks delicious in his open shirt and tight jeans". Her smile turned to disgust when Can stopped, turned and grabbed the hand of " the tea girl", what was her name? I don't even remember". Can greeted Polen and said "Polen, you remember Sanem, right?" Polen did not acknowledge Sanem at all but just looked at Can with longing. Can turned to smile his dashing smile at Sanem, gave her a wink and a peck on the lips. Sanem turned to smile at Polen and said " aren't you cold, Polen? With that short dress I would think you would be freezing with this weather we are having? Polen smirked and said "Can loves it when I dress up for him". Sanem faultered a little, but smiled and said " I guess you must like a lot of attention, dressing like that?, But I only want and need the attention of one man" as she caressed Can's cheek and beard. Can said " and you have all of my attention, all the time". Polen scoffed and said "Can what is going on here? Did you break up with me for her a measly tea girl?" Can said "no I broke up with you because I don't nor have I ever loved you and I wanted more". Can lovingly looked at Sanem as he said this and said " I wasn't looking for it but LOVE found me in the most unexpected way, in the form of a beautiful, brown eyed, kind, warm, smart, loving, considerate, giving and sexy as hell woman sitting next to me holding my hand."She is everything I never knew I wanted or deserved and she LOVES me!!" Polen said " of course she "loves you" you have money and are famous, who wouldn't want that"? Sanem had had enough and said "Polen unlike you I don't care about money or fame, I love his heart and how we make each other feel". We are "one" and "no one can change that". Sanem turned Can towards her and kissed him sweetly and lovingly while saying "I love you, can we go now?" Can agrees, stands up and tells Polen "goodbye". In the parking lot outside of the hotel, Can pushes Sanem up against his truck and kisses her roughly and inhales deeply from his favorite spot on her neck. Can tells Sanem, " I am so proud of how you handled things in there and I love you so much!!" Sanem responded "I love you too and thank you for letting her know about us and our love".

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