Chapter 14: Handling business

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So a frozen to the spot Can just stared at Sanem and then the doctor. He couldn't speak the words but he was thinking " did I just hear the word baby, am I going to be a dad?" Sanem looked at Can with apprehension waiting for a reaction from him. Can saw this expression and asked her if she was not happy. Sanem responded that she was fearful of what he was thinking. He smiled at her, his broad dimple showing smile, and told her that he couldn't be happier. Sanem let out a breath and asked him if he was sure because she knew he loved to travel and had plans to travel more for his photography. Can told Sanem that yes he loved photography but he loved her and their baby more, so he was staying home. Sanem hugged him tightly and kisses him passionately as if to say thank you.

The next few weeks flew by. Can and Sanem continued to stay busy at the agency with new clients and campaigns.  They were both excited about the pregnancy and parenthood. They agreed to wait to tell to their friends and family about the baby until Sanem was a little further along in her pregnancy. She was experiencing some morning sickness and some strange cravings. Can was a constant source of support and did his best to cater to her every whim or wish. They were not going to find out the sex of the baby but just wait to be surprised and blessed by what God gave them.

At 3 months, Can and Sanem informed their friends and family at a dinner party at their home. There were congratulations, hugs and well wishes all around for the future family. They informed their families that they were not going to find out the sex of the baby but had decided to name the baby Deniz as it could be for either a boy or a girl and the nursery would be ocean themed. Every at the party was as excited as Can and Sanem, especially Nihat, Mevkibe and Aziz. They couldn't wait to be grandparents. No one even gave a second thought to the fact that Huma had refused to accept Can and Sanem's marriage and would not be a part of their child's life.

As the weeks passed, Sanem began to develop a rounded tummy, which became Can's most loved body part of hers. He always had his hands on her belly when they were close to one another. During sleep, Can kept both arms wrapped around Sanem and cradled their baby.  Sanem and Can were living and loving married life and preparing for the growth of their family.

The sonogram showed a developing baby, with outstretched legs and arms. Both Can and Sanem were crying happy tears. The doctor reported that things were developing beautifully with the baby. He asked them to return in 3 weeks. Can and Sanem left holding hands and with big smiles. They both felt how wonderful their life was and how nice it was to feel like there was nothing against them.

Ahh but they were mistaken..

They returned to the agency and found the staff being quiet and behaving as if nervous or anxious. Can asked what was going on and Cey Cey stuttered and pointed to his office. Can looked at him with a question bin his eyes but got no response so he took Sanem's hand and headed to his office. Upon entering his office, they saw Huma sitting in the couch casually drinking a cup of coffee while talking with someone yet to be seen by them. Once they entered completely into the office, they saw Polen sitting at Sanem's desk with her feet propped up like she owned the place. They hadn't seen or heard from either in many months so what the hell where they doing here, together??
Can loudly cleared his throat to gain their attention. Huma turned her head and smiled at Can, then smirked at Sanem. This did not get past Can and he asked what they were doing here. Huma rudely said, " I came to visit my sons" and looked Sanem up and down as she said it. She then said " can I knew it had been a long time since you saw Polen so I asked her to come with me so we can spend time together. " I thought that you would be done with your play thing by now". Polen stood up and approached Can to give him kisses to his cheeks but he stepped out of her reach. He opened his mouth to talk but Sanem gave him a powerful kiss as if to say "I got this" and turned to speak to Polen first. Sanem looked her in the eyes and explained to her that she was no longer a part of Can's life and was no longer welcome at the agency and certainly not to walk in "their" office. Polen looked to Can and he nodded in complete agreement with Sanem. Sanem then told her to help herself out the door the same as she can in the door. Polen huffed, flipped her hair but walked out. Sanem halted her and informed her that if she ever saw her again in "their" office she would personally drag her ass out by her ponytail, she said this with a sincere smile. Huma was standing up ready to defend Polen but Sanem stopped her by raising her hand. Sanem then proceeded to tell Him a that since she refused to acknowledge or accept their marriage that the same applied to her. She told Huma, " I know you dislike me and think that I am not good enough for Can(Huma was nodding in agreement) but we don't care what you think. We love one another, we are very happily married and just so you know we are expecting a baby. So you can take your stuck-up, snobbish self along with Polen and any other woman that you think to bring her to create problems, and fly back on your broom to wherever it is that you came from." Can actually laughed out loud, hugged Sanem and opened the door for Huma to take her leave. He never looked in her direction but only in the eyes of his beloved. After Huma left with a flare and a pout, Can reached for Sanem, gave her a long and smoldering kiss and told her " you are my whole world, you and this little one growing inside of you, you are the best thing to ever happen to me and the most wonderful, kind and astonishing beautiful thing I have ever seen or experienced, and I love you!!!

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