Chapter 16: Loving and Growing as a Family

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Can and Sanem are living and loving life with baby Deniz. They were hands on parents and wanted everyday to be filled with love and laughter for Deniz. Deniz was now 6 months old and was a beautiful baby. Her hair was longer and her eyes gleamed with joy all the time. Everyone that saw her even when they were out commented on her beauty to her proud parents. Can and Sanem appreciated all the kind and heartfelt words. Can never hesitated to state that his daughter was beautiful because she "had the most beautiful mama in the world". Sanem always blushed at his compliment but always added that her dad's was" the most handsome man with beautiful features that would make anyone envious".
Can had returned to work but Sanem was only working 3 days per week. Mihriban and Mevkibe watched Deniz while they were at the agency. Can had a hard time being at work without his beautiful Sanem by his side. He kept glancing over at her empty chair repeatedly just wishing she would appear there. He called and texted her numerous times a day to check on both her and Deniz and to tell them how much he loved and missed them. Sanem returned the sentiment every time.

At the agency during a day that Sanem was working, a tall, thin woman waltzed into the office as if she owned the place. Can stood up and said "excuse me, but who are you and why are you in our office?" The woman sat down, twisted her long hair around her perfectly manicured nail and gave Can a devilish smile, she never responded to the "our" office remark or acknowledged Sanem at all. The woman proceeded to tell Can in a seductive tone of voice that she had been out of the country for a while but she had not forgotten "what a good time they had together after a night out at a club  about 9 months ago". Can looked at the woman and then at Sanem hoping he didn't see doubt or fear on her face at the ludicrous allegation that the woman had made. He didn't and he was so proud of that fact. He stared at the woman and said that " he had no clue whatsoever of who she was or what " good time" she was referring to". The woman proceeded to talk about Can's albatross tattoo and his body. Sanem raised her eyebrow but quickly diminished the thought. She then stood up and walked towards the woman with a calculating look. Sanem got right up in the woman's face, her hands in either side of the arm of the chair effectively caging her in. She proceeded to ask the woman her name and the woman responded with a roll of her eyes at Sanem that her name was Arzu. Sanem then bent down so that she was looking directly in the eyes of Arzu and informed her that "Can, who was her husband of over a year, which if you can't add is well over 9 months. And they have spent every single night together since not only that time but also since long before. She stated that they, as she pointed her finger back and forth between herself and Can, had a 6 month old baby. She explained that during her so called "good time" she would've been pregnant and her HUSBAND would never have left her alone. She explained that there were pictures of him all over the gossip rags that showed his tattoo and his body, but SHE, Sanem, was very well educated in his tattoo and his bulging muscles because she traised her fingers and tongue down and across them on a daily basis.  She then whispered to the woman that whomever asked her to come in and try to cause trouble between herself and her husband, she turned to look at him and smiled, can just get over it and stop with all the lying and tricks. She said they were happily married and loving parents and they had already dealt with "her kind" and we're done with it. Sanem told her to pass the message along that they were not going to come between them so it would be best if they stopped trying." Can stood up, opened his office door and told Arzu that he hoped that she understood that he would never cheat on his wife or lower himself to be with a woman whom lives her life hoping to ruin the lives of others." Can yelled for Cey Cey to escort "the woman" out the door and outside.

Can turned to his wife, hugged her tightly and started to assure her that he.. Sanem cut him off and said she knew he would never hurt her that way. She kissed him with a passion that she hadn't ever used in the office before but usually kept for the privacy of their home. Can returned the kiss just as passionately. They broke the kiss to catch their breath and vowed their love and devotion to one another. They decided to head home to spend the rest of the day with Deniz.

The weekend was here and Can and Sanem wanted to spend some time as a family so they decided to take Deniz to the zoo. Deniz loved animals line her parents and they knew she would love it. They packed up their truck, strapped in Deniz and headed out.  The drive was a couple of hours away and both Deniz and Sanem slept. Can kept glancing at his wife and his daughter and couldn't help the smile on his face. He thought back to his life before Sanem and the loneliness that he had accepted as a vital part of him and his future. He couldn't put into words how he felt when he saw her for the first time. He had never been so captivated by a woman to the point that he was speechless before. He now knew what it felt to give and receive love with his whole heart. He couldn't imagine nor did want to imagine what his life would be like without his wife and daughter and he was damn sure to not let others try to destroy his happiness and future. He was so thankful and grateful that Sanem felt confident in their love enough to not let others tear them apart but she stood her ground and defended him and their love be with everything in her. He knew that this woman of his had came into his life just when he needed her to and that come what may she was there to stay. He wanted her by his side forevermore.

They arrived at the zoo and Can woke Sanem up with kisses to her forehead and both cheeks. Deniz had woken up and was not happy about being stuck in her seat. Can jumped out and ran to get his baby girl. He changed her diaper and got a bottle ready to feed her with. Sanem gathered everything they needed and placed it in the diaper bag so they were ready to go. Deniz finished her bottle, Can burped her and handed her over to Sanem so he could get the stroller out of the back of the truck. Sanem placed Deniz in the stroller and strapped her in. Can pushed the stroller with one hand and held Sanem with the other. Deniz loved the zoo and seeing all the animals. She babbled at the animals as if she was talking to them. She reached for Can to take her out of the stroller when they  came upon the birds. She loved birds, more than likely because of her nursery being filled with images and stuffed albatrosses. She looked and pointed at all the birds and smiled at her Da da. Sanem couldn't resist and took out her phone to take a picture of the sweet moment between father and daughter.  They spent hours at the zoo because Deniz was just so happy and having a good time. They stopped at the gift shop and Can couldn't resist buying his baby girl a stuffed bird. She grabbed it and would not let go. He also bought his beautiful wife a crystal albatross figurine as well as some chocolate. Sanem thanked him and kissed him on the lips. They stopped to feed Deniz once more before they headed home. Sanem changed her diaper and the hopped in the truck to head home.

After arriving home, Sanem gave Deniz a bath and placed her in her crib. Can was sitting outside on the patio and Sanem joined him, she handed him a glass of whiskey. She asked him what he was thinking about and he looked at her and told her he was " thinking about how much his life had changed for the better after meeting her and falling in love with her. He told her that he never thought happiness was in store for him until her. He told her he "loved her with all of his heart with a passion that nothing could compare to". Sanem smiled, looked at Can and told him that she dreamed of him her whole life and that she knew the first time they met she knew she would love him with every ounce of her body, heart and soul for the rest of her life. She told him that just one look from him has the same effect on her today as it did the first day they met and that it made her breath catch and her heart pound in her chest. She told him that she feels the same passion towards him every day if her life and will even in the afterlife. The kissed one another and Sanem led Can to the bedroom and said " now let's explore this passion a little more".

Can and Sanem lived a happy life, with the blessings of love and 2 more children, a girl and a boy. Together they helped bring the agency to the top of the advertising game. They stuck together through everything and handled interferences in their life by never leaving one another's side and supporting one another at all times. Their love continued to be as passionate in their later years as it was in their younger years.

** The End**

** Thanks so much for reading and voting for my story. I appreciate you all. 😘😘

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2020 ⏰

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