Chapter 2: Tell the World

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Can and Sanem go home separately, although neither really wanted to but the knew they would dream of one another. As agreed, they would start their work day meeting for breakfast and then discuss how to let their family and friends know about their relationship and their love for each other. As they sat and talked, they were holding hands and gazing into one another's eyes with understanding and longing. Can finally broke the spell and said "should we start with our families or with work?" Sanem couldn't help but smile and responded with "family, let's tell Leila and Emre first". Can returned her smile and said , "okay, let's go then". They ran to his truck, holding hands excited to tell their siblings. Once they arrived at work they walked straight to Emre's office where Leila was standing next to Emre at his desk. They both looked up at the same time and asked "what". Can and Sanem turned to each other, smiled, grabbed one another's hand and looked at their siblings and said "we have something to tell you, we love one another and are together." Leila screamed and grabbed Sanem to hug her tight. Emre stood up, smiled and said " congratulations, I knew it was just a matter of time". They chatted for a few minutes, made dinner plans for later in the week and all moved on to continue with their work  loads.

Sanem returned to the archive room to work so she could have some quiet and privacy, after much protest by Can. They were both busy and focused on work. Can had his moonstones in his hand and took a moment to think about how his life's perspective had changed. A once solitaire man, no commitments, no strings was now happily and blissfully in love. He smiled a large smile when thoughts of Sanem entered his mind. He wanted to hold her, kiss her and have her close to him all the time. He wanted the world to know that he had found, without even knowing or looking for, his life's mate. He thought about just how to share his news with those closest to him.

Meanwhile, downstairs in the archive room, Sanem's thoughts drifted to Can and how she had never really considered love and a happy future with someone. She was content with her dreams of writing and visiting other lands. She could hardly believe that Can came into her life, just like a lion and shattered her plans. She acknowledged that when he was near, she could barely breathe and that her thoughts wandered to intimacy and passion. She knew he was more experienced than she was but she had no doubts that together they would be "fire". She shuddered at the thought. She too wondered how to " tell the world" about them and their love story.

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